Monday 11 November 2013

Shirdi Sai Baba Philosophy

Shirdi Sai Baba was one of the greatest saints humanity has ever seen. 

He was born with all divine powers. He had full power and control over the five elements - Earth, Water, Temperature, Air and Ether. His life was laden with incidents when he had to exert his powers over nature, by the cajoling of his devotees under duress. 

Shirdi Sai Baba was above the three Gunas- the three qualities- Tamas, sloth; Rajas- activity and Satwa- Balance. 

He was/is the all pervading Consciousness- the Know-er.

Still, He harbored a grouse during his lifetime; and it seems after his life time too, what with his various uttering and orders during meditation sessions to so many devotees.

His grouse was/is that during his life time and afterwords, his teachings and philosophy were ignored and are being ignored. 

He requested and asked many devotees to spread his philosophy and teachings, very simple to follow, so that man moved away from this grief filled world of attachments and aversions and attained perennial joy and bliss.

When during his life time, he showed too much love and protection to his devotee, Upasani, other devotees complained. It had reached such a stage that Baba would ask people who had come to visit him to go and pay obeisance to Upasani. 

Baba said, "My role is to create as many enlightened souls as possible, and through them uplift as many miserable people as possible to supreme joy".

As Shirdi Sai Baba seemed to have no ONE particular philosophy, and had advised each one according to his or her own taste and stage of progress- the yogi, along Raja Yoga, the royal road, the devout, along the path of devotion; the work-oriented along the path of activity- no one work or book appeared to guide the devotees underlying and emphasizing Shirdi Sai Baba's philosophy.

But if one examines his teachings and sayings carefully, the one path he would go over and over to, most of the time was the path of devotion, and that too- Guru Bhakthi Yoga- the union with the ultimate through the grace of the Guru; the realization of the SELF through one pointed attachment, love, reverence and devotion to one's guru.

'Reverence to your Guru is all that is needed. He would take you across the ocean of worldliness', Baba used to say. He also used to say that love and devotion to the Guru is the only spiritual exercise needed for Self Realization.

To know the life, philosophy and teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba, visit:

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