Saturday 1 August 2015

Do Your Own Car Work and Save Some Cash

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Considering how much money automotive work costs, it is no surprise that many people are choosing to do their own car work at home. Although some jobs will have to be done by a mechanic regardless of how ambitious the car owner is, there are still many jobs that they can do on their own. A lack of the correct tools to work on a car is many times the only thing that holds car owners back from performing certain maintenance.

The most important part of any automotive job is to have the right tools for it. A lot of the most common maintenance can be performed at home with one tool that is certainly needed; an Air impact Wrench. A high quality and durable air impact wrench that is compatible with most air hoses is made by Ingersoll Rand. A few jobs that can be done with this wrench are rotating your own tires, tightening lug nuts, and performing brake jobs among others.

Ingersoll Rand 2130 Half Inch Heavy Duty Air Impact Wrench.

This wrench provides enough power for even the most heavy duty jobs. If needed this wrench can put out up to 550 ft/lbs of torque. Making it easier to maneuver is the aluminum hammer case that is used in order to help reduce bulk. The maintenance on this wrench is very limited since it uses so many fewer working parts than other wrenches in the market. It will also last longer than other wrenches. Every one sold will be supplemented by a warranty for one year.

An industry standard has been set by Ingersoll Rand over the one hundred years that they have been providing high quality manufacturing. Their tools will help you get the job done right whether you work in an automotive shop as a mechanic or if you do your own work at home. Performing your own basic maintenance on your car can help you start saving yourself money today. Not only will you save money, but you will know the job was done the right way!

Friday 31 July 2015

Tips For Throwing A Fun Birthday Party For Your Children

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
As a parent, one of your jobs will be to plan your children's birthday parties, and depending on how you go about executing this task, this can either be something that is a lot of fun - with a fun end result - or it can be something that ends up being a disaster all the way around! Because each child is necessarily different from every other child, you will need to make sure you are adjusting your approach for the specifics of your child's personality and desires, but even with this fact in mind, there are a few specific things you can keep in mind while planning your children's birthday parties - things that will go a long way in helping you!

Coming up with a theme for the party is one of the easiest ways to set up some parameters around the party itself, as this will give you an idea of the sort of decorations you will need, the kind of cake you will buy, and the activities that will comprise the party itself.

Once you have collaborated with your child to come up with a theme, you should also let them choose their "guest list," and while this might seem like an obvious suggestion, many parents accidentally find themselves inviting who they think their child will want - or inviting their own friend's children, rather than their child's friends - and this will make the party a lot less fun for your child.

And after the invites have been taken care of, you will want to make sure the party is planned out in such a way that there are enough activities to keep all the kids occupied - and make sure you are also keeping in mind the fact that it is far better to plan the party too short than to plan the party so that it goes too long! After all, you would certainly rather have the kids go home wishing they'd had more time at the party than for everyone (yourself included!) to be stuck at the party, wishing it would end!

Thursday 30 July 2015

To Self-Publish or Not To Self-Publish?

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you have written a book, you might be wondering whether self-publishing is a good idea for you. After all, it can be a long process to go through an agent, an editor, and the publishing quagmire. The length of this process makes it seem like it might be best - might even make the most sense - to just get the book out there on your own! But while it is certainly easy to self-publish, there are a few things to consider beyond the ease with which you can do it.

Firstly, there is a reason why the publishing process is in place the way it is. After all, there are plenty of instances where a book is written by someone who thinks people will enjoy it or benefit from it, but where no one else feels the same way! One of the biggest things a publisher does is, they act as a barrier to publication. Of course, self-publishing does provide a way to go around this barrier instead of going through it. But your road will not necessarily be easier just because you skip the barrier.

Because publishers act as a barrier in this way, most readers are far more likely to give their attention to a book that has been approved by a publisher. Readers are likely to look at your self-published book as something less legitimate, even if you self-published strictly to move the process along more quickly.

Another consideration is the channels of distribution opened up by publishing. Just like readers, bookstores are not going to take a book as seriously if it is self-published as if it is published by a publisher they know. Having the name of a well-known publisher behind your name will open doors for you that you cannot open on your own.

Finally, the rigorous preparation your book goes through while in the hands of an editor at a publishing house will get the book ready to be read in a way you cannot do on your own. Even the world's bestselling authors have a good editor at their publishing house who helps them get their book ready. These editors put in serious time on each book to make sure it is professional and complete.

Certainly, you can speed up the process of publication by self-publishing if you are a well-known person, or if you run a business that is already well-known. But think long and hard before making this decision; after all, publishing in the traditional manner might just prove to be worth the wait.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Avoiding Traffic Tickets

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When you get a traffic ticket that you were not expecting the extra expense of being stuck with, it can throw a serious wrench in your budget! Some people think that there is no way to avoid traffic tickets; on the other hand, some people feel like traffic tickets can be avoided completely as long as you do not drive fast; but actually, neither of these are the case! You can keep yourself from the unpleasant surprise of being stuck paying an unexpected traffic ticket, as soon as you learn how to avoid traffic tickets.

If you want to avoid traffic tickets altogether, you need to learn exactly what it is that police officers look for. Of course, they are watching for cars that are speeding, but they write plenty of tickets besides just speeding tickets!

One thing that his helpful to realize is that police are always on the lookout for those who are performing crimes more serious than simple traffic offenses, and many of the extra things for which they can pull you over are largely in place to increase the likelihood that they will find those with more to hide. This means that you can often get off the hook as long as you are polite and understanding with the officer who pulls you over. But of course, you are better off not getting pulled over at all than "getting out of tickets!"

You should frequently check your headlights to make sure they are all working properly, as broken headlights will frequently get you pulled over, and it is not always easy to tell when you are driving that a headlight is out. You should also have someone help you check your brake lights frequently, as these will get you pulled over as well!

Police officers are also likely to pull people over whose tags have expired; this is a tough ticket to get out of, so pay attention to your tags and make sure they are always up to date!

Finally, make sure you stop at stop signs; this can seem like a major inconvenience, but they are there for a reason! After all, the last thing you want to do is find yourself in a position where you are paying a ticket for something as silly as running a stop sign.


Tuesday 28 July 2015

Tips For Hosting A Weekly Game Night With Your Friends

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Many people find that as they get older, they end up spending a lot less time with their friends than they used to, and by the time they realize this, it feels as if it is really too late for them to do anything to fix this; if you have been looking for a way to spend more time with your friends, however, there are actually plenty of different things you can do – and one of the best ideas is to set up a regular game night with your friends, as this will give you something that will allow all of you to come together on a regular basis, engaging in a regular activity!

The first thing you want to do in order to host a regular game night with your friends is to come up with a core group of friends you enjoy spending time with; the best number for a group of “game night friends” is four, as this will allow you to play most of the games that are out there; but if you are wanting to have a bigger group of friends get together, you could bump up to six and look for games that allow six players, or you could even go as high as eight people and simply play two games at once every game night!

Once you have gotten a group of friends together (and have gotten them to agree to a regular game night), you will want to figure out when your group will meet; for some people, having a set night each week on which everyone meets is the way to go, while for others, playing once a month – for instance, on the second Saturday of every month – works a whole lot better.

And once you have composed your group and have set a night on which all of you will hang out and play games, you will be able to start enjoying your game night at last; plan to rotate from house to house, allowing each person to have a turn as the host, with the host being the one to provide food and drinks for the week.

You will be able to see your friends on a regular basis once you start engaging in this game night with them – and this will give all of you the chance to have a whole lot of fun together!

Monday 27 July 2015

Review of Amazon's Cloud Player

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Amazon beat most of the compitition out of the gate by releasing their cloud drive which works as a back end for their cloud player.

Their player runs on both a web browser or is available for download on your android phone, allowing you to stream music hosted on their cloud.

Amazon made a wise play, offering their customers a free 5 gigs of storage. Encouraging them to sample the service. Easily allowing you to upload your own music, you can then play it back directly to your android phone or your web player.

They went out of their way to make the web interface simple to use and to upload your files. The only limitation is that you are required to upload files from your computer's web browser and are unable to do it from your mobile device. They do offer a downloadable client which scans your hard drive for music and gives you an option to import your itunes playlists.

Amazon has been hard at work to take on Apple's iTunes. Also rumored that Apple is currently working on a similar solution to offer for their iphones. Amazon has gone out of their way to try to pull customers into purchasing with them, by offering misc encentives. They have offered a free upgrade to 20 gigs of storage if you purchase a online album this year. They also won't count mp3s downloaded from their store against your storage limits. These offers are all designed to help draw customers away from their compeition.

The player's interface is designed well on the android and is clean and easy to use. The setup in general was easy to use, and doesn't take long to master. Like any player they support playlists, album art, etc. However there are a few limitations. The storage cost for size is a bit high for online storage, they only support AAC and MP3 formats, and you are unable to upload files from your mobile device. Limitations or not, the service is more than worth checking out.

Sunday 26 July 2015

Will I Be Safe Using Bear Mace?

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When you are going hiking or camping in bear country (which is just about anywhere in North America where you might conceivably go hiking or camping!), knowing how to protect yourself from bears will be important. While such precautions as storing your food away from your tent and wearing bells on your belt loops are certainly effective, neither of these will be especially useful if you startle as bear, or if you accidentally come between a bear and its cubs.

While you might have seen that many sports and outdoors stores sell "bear spray" (or "bear mace"), it is natural to wonder whether such a product actually works; after all, the last thing you would want would be to spray a bear in the face with something, and for it to have no effect but to further enrage the bear!

Bear mace is really just a more highly-concentrated variation of regular mace (with the higher concentration designed to take care of a larger attacker) and when used properly, bear mace truly does work - and if you search around online, you will find many first-hand accounts of its effectiveness!

Guard Alaska Bear Defense Spray is the best product when it comes to bear mace, as it is designed for use on grizzly bears and is therefore effective on every type of bear; also, you can save ten dollars on Guard Alaska Bear Defense Spray when you shop for it on Amazon.

Bear mace is usually designed to spray up to 30 feet, which means that you will be able to use it before the bear gets too close, and while it will spray continuously for about eight seconds, it is more effective if you use it in short bursts.

The best approach to staying safe from bears is to avoid them altogether, but if you are going to be spending time in bear country, bring some bear mace with you, and be ready to use it in case you come across a bear, or in case a bear attacks!