Monday 11 November 2013

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracle - Seetha Ramamma

Sarada Devi was from the Hyderabad Dimunion of India. She was born in a rich and powerful joint family. Her family had seventy boys and no girls.

Her paternal uncle was a great devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. Taking all the trouble there was- mind you, it was the nineteenth century India - he used to visit Shirdi and Sai Baba often, and pray to Him that a girl be born in his family.

The kind Baba acceded to his request and blessed him, and a girl was born to his elder brother. The baby was taken before Sai Baba, and He named her, Sarada Devi. Baba was very fond of the child, and He used to call her, Gauri.

Gauri was brought up in opulence, with a silver spoon in her mouth, so to say. But she was very religious and very fond of Sai Baba. She even had great liberties with the temperamental Master. She grew up into a beautiful young woman.

There was a lady named Seetha Ramamma who lived in the same street as Gauri. This lady was much abused by her husband and her husband's family for not bearing a child. This had been going on for very long. Not able to suffer humiliation any longer, she came to Gauri one day and confessed her grief to the later.

Gauri told her not to worry, "Dussera festival is coming. I am going to visit Shirdi and pay obeisance to Sai Baba. You can join me too. We will tell the Great Baba of your sorrow. He would remedy your problem".

So before the Dussera festival, the two ladies packed their bags and left for Shirdi. 

The place was jam packed. There was not an inch of space in the mosque which was Baba's abode. The surrounding space was filled up too. The festivities were going on with colour and festoons. The ladies could not meet up with Sai Baba for many days.

Then on the Dussera day, someone came to them and said that Sai Baba was calling them. They squeezed their way through the milling crowd, and reached before Baba, sitting grimly in his usual place. There was neither mirth or merriment in His face. 

Baba gruffly asked Seetha to prostrate before Him. The lady did so as asked. When she got up, she found Baba quivering in anger, and without any rhyme or reason, shouted, 

"What are you two doing here? Get out of this place fast and get home",

and he kicked, Seetha so violently on her tummy that she spun away in the mosque.

Baba was so incensed that He was now trembling in anger. The people around shivered in fright.

Then what happened?

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