Saturday 19 April 2014

Making Your Fantasy Football Message Board Fun

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
For some people, simply playing fantasy football will be enough for them to enjoy it, as they will not really care what league they are playing in or who else is in their league, as long as they are getting to play fantasy football, but for others, the thing that will make fantasy football especially fun is the camaraderie built through interacting with and competing against a group of their close friends. Getting the guys in the league to all participate in the message board together is one of the best ways to promote "interaction and competition" in fantasy football - but if you are wanting to get all the guys to participate in the message board, it will be important for you to realize that it will not happen naturally, unless you know how to promote such interaction.

If you want to get message board banter and participation going, the most obvious approach is to start different discussion threads each week; these discussion threads can be related to the league, to football in general, or to fantasy football, just so long as you can come up with something that others will enjoy chiming in about.

Another idea to consider is creating "Power Rankings" to post on the message board every week; post these Power Rankings in the same way such sites as ESPN do, giving each team's ranking in order, and giving a humorous or clever reason behind your having ranked them in that particular position.

And because of the huge role that statistics play in fantasy football, one thing that is a lot of fun is to explore some statistics in your message board posts - but rather than simply exploring stats that relate directly to fantasy football, you should also explore stats that relate to your league specifically, as you just might find that this creates the most discussion and banter of all!

Of course, fantasy football can still be fun even without these things, but if you have a fantasy football league with people you are close to, it can become a whole lot more fun if everyone participates in weekly message board banter.

Friday 18 April 2014

How To Keep Your Carpet Clean

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Many people prefer to have carpets in portions of their home, but instead they go with hardwood floors because of how difficult carpet can be to keep clean. But actually, there is no need for carpet to be as difficult to keep clean as so many people imagine it to be. In fact, it can be quite an easy task to keep your carpet clean, as you will see yourself if you simply follow a few basic tips.

When people come in from the outdoors, they usually have dirt and filth on the bottoms of their shoes that they have picked up from simply walking around. Even though some people might see it as an inconvenience, you should get into the habit of always removing your shoes when you come inside your house. You also need to make it known to guests that this is the rule in your house; these guests will surely understand, as many of them probably have the same rule in place in their own house.

You should also be very careful about eating and drinking in a room where you have a carpet on the floor. After all, it is difficult to make certain no one ever spills anything at all, and such spills can sometimes ruin a carpet altogether!

Many people feel that vacuuming is an obnoxious and even pointless task, as they seem to hardly be able to get the carpet clean at all any time they vacuum. When you do not vacuum your carpets as frequently as you are actually supposed to, you are much more likely to feel this way about vacuuming. Aim to vacuum your carpets once or twice each week, as this will enable you to pull the dirt off the carpet before it is able to ever settle in.

When your pets come in from outside, they become one of the biggest threats to the cleanliness of your carpet, as they tend to spread dirt all around your house. You should make sure that you train your pets to stay out of any rooms in your house that have carpet that is a lighter color.

Your carpet can last a long time and continue to look great as long as you follow these tips to make sure you are taking good care of your carpet.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Knowing Places To Make Sure You See In Chicago

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Chicago is among the most famous, and most historically significant, cities in the country, and if you are wanting to find a great place to visit - either for a week or two of vacation, or just for a few days - this city should certainly be at the top of your list; before you go to Chicago, however, you will want to make sure you know some of the specific places you should take the time to see, in order to ensure that you are getting the most out of your trip.

If there is one thing that the people of Chicago love, it is their sports, as the city has a great heritage of sports teams, ranging from Michael Jordan's Chicago Bulls to the 1985 Bears team to those lovable losers, the Chicago Cubs; a couple places you should make sure you see when you visit Chicago are Soldier Field, the historic home of the Bears, and Wrigley Field, which is the second oldest ballpark in Major League Baseball, and is certainly amongst the most beloved treasures of the city.

Chicago is also a city that is steeped in the arts, and you can get a great taste of this arts scene by visiting the museum district (which is located, quite conveniently, along Lake Shore Drive - where you are sure to be spending a bit of time anyway); as you explore these museums, one of the places you will want to make sure you see is Shedd Aquarium, which is widely considered to be one of the top 10 aquariums in the world.

And of course, when you go to any great city, you need to sample the local flavor, and in Chicago, pizza is the local flavor; Giordano's is the most popular pizza place in the city - and even though it is definitely a tourist spot, it is also probably the best pizza you can get - but in addition to stopping at Giordano's, you should also sample a few other places to get the full taste of they city's great pizza!

Chicago is a great place to visit even if you do not know what you should see or where you should go - but when you visit Chicago with these tips in mind, you will be even better equipped to have a tremendous experience!

Wednesday 16 April 2014

How To Plan A Special Day With Your Significant Other

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
A large part of keeping your relationship with your significant other feeling consistently fresh and enjoyable (instead of it starting to feel stale and unenjoyable!) is for the two of you to make sure you are breaking out of your "routine" from time to time, doing things that are different for the two of you, or that are out of your "regular schedule." And while there are myriad ways for a couple to accomplish this, one of the best ways to break out of routine is to plan a day for your significant other that is full of little surprises - a day in which only you know what is going to happen next, and through which you can unfold step-by-step the things you have planned.

One of the biggest things that will make such a day feel special for your significant other is that you give them the whole day; this seems fairly obvious on the surface, but realize that this also means not spending the morning on your own before the two of you begin your day, and not ducking away near the end of the evening to do something different!

You will also want to make sure you plan this day far (or, at least, far enough) in advance, and as you plan this day, make sure you are doing so with ideas in mind that you know your significant other will enjoy; it is easy to plan a whole day around things that you yourself will enjoy, but it will mean a lot more to your significant other if the day is planned around things they will enjoy!

And of course, throughout the day, you will want to pay attention to the little things; be ready to adjust your plans based on what you perceive to be your significant other's desires, and try to do what you can to make every aspect of the day absolutely meaningful and special.

There is no need to try to plan a day like this every weekend - but when you surprise your significant other with a day devoted to them every once in a while, it will go a long way in making them feel special, and it will go a long way in keeping your relationship fresh and fun!

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Becoming Familiar With Twitter

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
It seems like you see Twitter just about everywhere you look these days, and not just online, as even news broadcasts and television shows seem to talk about Twitter; if you do not have a Twitter account of your own, however, you might not quite understand what Twitter is, how it is used, or how you can use it yourself.

If you are a facebook user, thinking about Twitter as being the same as status updates on facebook is the best way to understand it – except, of course, that it is not on facebook, and that Twitter limits you to 140 characters (which means letters, numbers, punctuation, and spaces).

On Twitter, you will have your “home page” (which is where you will see a live stream of tweets from every person you follow), as well as your “profile page” (where everyone can go to see all your tweets); if you want to see someone’s tweets as part of your feed, you can follow them – or, if you want to just read their tweets every so often, you can simply visit their profile page instead.

It is also possible to tag a person in a post by simply using the "@" symbol, followed by that person's Twitter name; if you tag someone at the start of a tweet, it will not show up in the news feeds of others, whereas your tweets will still show up in others’ news feeds if you tag people in the middle of a tweet.

Of course, regardless of where within a tweet you tag someone, people will still be able to see any of your tweets when they visit your profile page, so make sure you use the "direct message" function on Twitter if you want to send someone a private message.

People use Twitter in a number of different ways – to keep up with news or with their favorite celebrities, to interact with friends, or simply to post thoughts of their own – but regardless of how you end up using Twitter yourself, the first thing you need is to understand what it even is!

Monday 14 April 2014

How To Stick Out The Last Few Days Before Vacation

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
One thing that can be especially difficult when you are going to be taking a vacation is the last few days before you will be taking this vacation, as focusing at work and doing everything you are supposed to be doing in your everyday life can be difficult when the only thing you really want to be thinking about is the vacation you will soon be enjoying. While beginning to focus on your vacation a bit early is often not that big of a detriment, there will still be times when you will find that your performance at work is slipping due to this advance excitement about your vacation, and when you will realize that "looking forward to your vacation" is negatively affecting other areas of your life as well.

When it comes to sticking out the last few days before your vacation, the most important thing you can do is stick strictly to your regular routine; when you stick to your regular routine, your focus will continue to be in the right place, while failing to stick to your regular routine can cause your focus to slip rather quickly.

Instead of holding off until the last few days before you begin to prepare for the trip, you can also help yourself by beginning your preparation earlier, and by tackling it a little bit at a time, as this will keep you from doing so many things toward your vacation over those last few days that you end up forgetting about everything else!

And when you are taking a vacation, one great idea is to try and finish all your work early, so you have a couple extra days off before you depart; if you have a job in which you can do this, you will be forced to focus fully on your job as you work toward getting everything done early, which will keep you from being distracted by your vacation, and will also help you to enjoy the lead-up to the vacation much more fully!

Sunday 13 April 2014

Studying For The SAT Essay

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
The most important part of your college entrance package - when that time comes - will be your SAT score or your ACT score. Hopefully, you have been studying for the SAT if this is the test you plan to take, as studying will be essential in order for you to achieve success. But even if you have been studying, there is a chance you have neglected to spend any real amount of time looking at the things you need to know for the SAT essay. After all - you might be thinking - an essay is an essay, and if every prompt is different, what is the point in studying? But you will realize how important it is that you take the time to study for the SAT essay once you realze how the SAT essay works.

The people who grade the SAT essays are people who have been hired to grade SAT essays every day, all day long! Because there are so many endless stacks of essays, and because these people have been hired to make their way through these stacks, each grader must get through a certain number of essays each hour. Generally speaking, the SAT essay graders have about five minutes during which they can grade each essay, which means they have to look for certain things. And furthermore, if the scores awarded by different graders do not match up closely on an essay, that essay has to go to a master grader. It is not good for these regular graders if their essays have to go to the master grader, so they have to follow the same grading procedure as every other grader!

Because of this, it will be immensely helpful if you know what the procedure is for these SAT graders. If you know the certain items that are on their checklist, you will be able to make sure you fulfill these items. Once you know what the graders are looking for, you can write an essay that allows them to mark "excellent" for each area, as they will know the other graders are doing the same.

Make sure you spend a good deal of time hanging out in the essay section of your SAT study book; and if you have not been using an SAT study book, you need to make sure you pick one up!