Saturday 20 December 2014

Tips For Becoming Better At Putting

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you want to improve your golf game, one of the biggest aspects will be becoming good at putting (after all, you are unlikely to hit as low a score as you are hoping to hit if you cannot get the ball from the green to the hole!), but despite its obvious importance, putting is also one of the things that people tend to spend the least amount of time focused on. Smashing a drive that goes three hundred yards is certainly more glamorous than being able to consistently sink a thirty foot putt, but sinking these putts without any problem will be one of the biggest pieces of piecing together your golf game.


You will see the golfers examining the green before they make a putt when you watch them on television, and while many who go out on the golf course for fun try to do the same thing, they still end up aiming for the hole itself when they actually putt the ball; after you have examined the green and determined the break, forget about the hole completely, and simply aim for the spot you have determined you need to aim for!

A lot of golfers also make the mistake of focusing on the ball, instead of focusing on their swing; practice swinging your putter on a perfect pendulum both with and without a ball, and you will always be able to hit the ball in the direction you want it to go.

An indoor putting green such as the Grassroots Par Three is a great way to practice.

And finally, being relaxed will be extremely important; a tense golfer is a poor golfer, and since one of the main reasons you are getting out on the golf course on the weekend is in order to relax, it should be no problem at all for you to accomplish this simple, important step!

You will be able to start seeing improvement in your short game when you begin to follow these tips, and this will make those “relaxing” mornings on the golf course a lot more relaxing, and a lot more fun!

Friday 19 December 2014

Tips For Watching Soccer Games Online

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you are a soccer fan living in America, it can be difficult on you at times, as you are not likely to find a lot of games on television - and if you do find a game on television, it is unlikely that you will be finding a game from the Champions League, or from the English Premier League, or from La Liga. But even though you will not have access to the best soccer in the world on your television, there are still a few ways by which you can get watch soccer games whenever you want - as long as you know where to look!

Before you check out anything else, take a look at ESPN3 (which is the online ESPN channel), as they carry lots of "out of market" games from lots of different sports; these are typically sports or games that ESPN has the rights to, but that they do not show on television because of the fact that most America viewers do not have an interest in them - and of course, soccer is among these options!

There are also a lot of places where you can subscribe to watching all the games from your favorite team or league online; the rules and procedures for this differ from league to league, and even from team to team, so research around on the internet to find out what options are available for watching your favorite team or league online.

And lastly, you can do a simple Google search for watching your favorite team's games on the internet, and you will likely find a number of options from people in Europe who stream the games from their homes for people to watch online; if you choose this option, however, make sure you watch games that are streamed to the internet, and not that require you to download software to your computer!

Even though you won't be able to get as close to the European soccer action as you would be able to living in Europe, you can still follow these tips to at least be able to find a way to find every game from your favorite team online!

Thursday 18 December 2014

Taking A Look At JK Rowling's Harry Potter Series

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you are the sort of person who is always on the lookout for a good book to read (or, in fact, even if you are the sort of person who never reads at all), you are surely familiar with the general idea of the Harry Potter books - but what you may not have known, if you have not read these books yourself, is that these books, in spite of their label as "Children's Books" might actually be right up your alley!

Rowling started writing the Harry Potter series in the late 1990s, when she was a single working mom and was struck with an idea for a story about a boy wizard finding his way in the wizarding community; after failing to find a publisher on her first several tries, someone finally gave the book a chance, and the rest is history, as Rowling soon became one of the most well-known names in the world, and became the first author in history to become a billionaire from their writing!

What most people (even those who know nothing specific about the books!) know about Harry Potter is that the books are about wizards, but calling it simply "a series about wizards" would be like saying that the Lord of the Rings series is "a series about a magic ring"; part of the phenomenon behind this book is a story that is not only multilayered and intricately woven - with fine plot points that stretch across and weave their way through all of the books - but that is also written in such a way that it captures the reader and makes each part of each book difficult to put down.

Of course (as is the case with any book ever written!), not for everyone will love the Harry Potter series, but for anyone who loves to vary the sorts of books they read, and who enjoys anything that is engaging and adventurous, this is certainly a series worth giving a chance. Even though the books fall into the category of "Children's Books," you will find soon after you begin reading that these books fall into another category as well: lasting classics!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Tips For Planning A Wedding Proposal

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
It will be important that you understand a few basic truths about the wedding proposal if you are a guy who is planning to propose to his girlfriend soon - after all, proposing to a woman these days entails more than simply giving her a ring and asking her to marry you; you need to also make it a memorable event! Women like to feel special, which is one of the main reasons your girlfriend will want the proposal to feel memorable; another reason why a woman wants it to be memorable (and why you will want it to be memorable as well!) is because this is a story she will be telling people for the rest of her life, and the more fun the story is, the more she will love to tell it.

Some guys think that the best approach to proposing is to simply surprise their girlfriend, catching them off guard, but what she will remember down the road is how that day was, more than just how the proposal itself went. Because of this, your best approach is to make sure the whole day feels special, and this should start at the very beginning of the day; whether it is making her breakfast in bed or making sure she wakes up with a note from you on her bedside table, she should feel special from the moment her day begins.

If you are planning to spend some of the day with her, another thing you will want to do is create a little bit of separation at some point, as separation will help the anticipation grow; think of something special that you can send her to do - such as getting a massage, or getting a manicure or pedicure - and then tell her to get ready for your date that night.

And at this point in the day, you can take her on the official date at last, and during this time, you can propose to her in a special manner - and as beautiful and special as the proposal itself will be, she will also have a whole day of feeling special that she can tell others about for a long time to come.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Catching The Eye Of College Admissions Offices

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
One of the times that can end up being scariest for you and your child can be the steps for approaching an application to college, as all the fear of rejection that has ever been buried in their mind can quickly begin to seep out at the slightest amount of pressure; this is quite natural, of course, as the college admissions process will go a long way in determining what happens in their future - but you should also realize that there is no reason to be fearful of the eventual result, as long as you and your high schooler are doing the right things to catch the eye of college admissions offices.

One of the biggest parts of the college admissions package is the student essay; essays for college admissions usually have guidelines that are extremely general - allowing students to express themselves and say whatever they want - but this often puts a student in a position where they things they say come out in a confused, directionless manner; in order to combat this, help your child come up with a specific topic, and help them to stick to this topic as well.

Another big part of the college admissions process will be a student's SAT or ACT score, and while a lot of students will sit down to take their ACT or SAT with no real preparation behind them, you can help your child to be far more prepared than their competition by buying them materials that will help them to study, and even by paying for a study course that they can take through their school or an organization such as Kaplan or Princeton Review.

Finally, you should be aware of the fact that such things as community service and "leadership activities" (student body; attendance at leadership seminars; et cetera) will do a whole lot to impress college admissions offices - so encourage your child to add these things to their "resume" as they make their way through high school.

When you approach the college admissions process and remember these tips, you will be putting yourself in a great position to find success - and to see your child being accepted to the school they dream of attending.

Monday 15 December 2014

How To Get Your Book Published

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
There are lots of people who operate under the false assumption that getting their book published is as simple as writing that last word and then shipping it off to all the major publishing houses (and - of course - hopefully finding that they are all battling to be the one who signs you!), but once you have written that last word, you will find that the publishing process is quite a bit more difficult. If the idea of writing a book is something that has ever appealed to you - regardless of whether your interests lie in fiction, non-fiction, self-help, or any other areas - it will be extremely useful for you to know the steps you must take in order to get your book published.


The first step to getting your book published is for you to write the book, and while this might seem like an obvious statement, many writers who are just starting out begin to approach agents and publishers before they have even written the final word and gone through an immense set of edits - which is a definite no-no!

Learn more from The Complete Idiots Guide To Getting Published.

After you have finished writing the book, you will need to find an agent for your book, which will entail sending letters to all the agents who are open to submissions, and hoping that one of them likes the premise of the book and the writing in the book enough to ask you on as a client.

And nowadays, the most important thing you will do is to "build a platform," which is publishing lingo for having a strong web presence on Twitter, facebook, a blog, and anywhere else you can think of; the earlier you start this step (even before you start writing, in fact!), the better shape you will be in when it comes time to try and get published.

You must walk a long and winding road in order to become a published author, but when you know where to start in order to get where you are going, you will be much more likely to end up at your final destination.

Sunday 14 December 2014

How To Cook Thanksgiving Or Christmas Dinner Without All The Stress

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
There are a lot of reasons why Thanksgiving and Christmas are fun, but one thing that especially makes these holidays fun for a lot of people is the bevy of food in which they get to indulge; of course, if you are the one who has to cook all the food, it might be a lot less fun for you than it is for others (unless, of course, you are one of those rare people who loves to cook!), but if you know a few specific steps you should take when cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas, you will at least be able to minimize the stress a bit.

For starters, you should come up with a comprehensive menu for the dinner itself, and you should follow this comprehensive menu with a comprehensive grocery list; too many people wait until a couple days before the meal to start their shopping (which leaves them with a much smaller selection at the store!), and too many people also go shopping without a comprehensive list (which leaves them having to return to the store over and over again!), but when you make a comprehensive menu and a comprehensive shopping list, and go to the store early, you will be able to make sure you have everything you need - without having to make lots of extra trips to the store.

While some things will definitely need to be prepared on the day of the meal itself, there are a lot of things that you can prepare in advance as well; in the days leading up to the meal (now that you no longer have to shop on these days!), cook all the things that will be served cold, and prepare in advance as much of the stuff as you can for the cooking you will have to do that day.

And when it comes to Thanksgiving or Christmas day - when you are used to being in the kitchen all day as everyone else has fun - realize that there is nothing wrong with assigning some responsibilities to everyone else! Give each person a few jobs that you expect them to take care of, and everyone will be able to both help with preparing the meal and have fun enjoying the time off for the day!