Saturday 23 August 2014

Making The Most Of Your Week Nights

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When you work full-time, there are plenty of weeks when the week feels long - to a point where Wednesday and Thursday makes you feel like the week will never end, and where Friday makes you feel like you are unable to do anything but look forward to the end of the day! But many people fail to realize that one of the big reasons why the week feels so long to them is because they fail to make the most of their weeknights; when you take the time to "make your weeknights count," it will give you more to look forward to than just the weekends!

If you have a tendency to come home at the end of each day and simply turn on the television (and if you also feel like the work week is endless!), consider going one week with no television at all in the evenings. Instead of watching television, go out to eat with your significant other one night; maybe have some friends over to play a board game another night; cook a romantic dinner another night; think of a hobby that you can test out during that week - finding out if it is something you would want to stick with!

Doing a bit of extra work on weeknights is another way to maximize your weeknghts; if you work a job that requires you to "do 40 hours during the week," and you can do some of these hours away from the office, knock a few hours out during weeknights. You might not be able to get all eight Friday hours done before you reach Friday, but if you are able to, you can have a three-day weekend (and if you are not able to, you can still have a half day on Friday!).

You can start finding ways to maximize your weeknights as soon as you are able to acknowledge that life is not all about the weekend; the weekend might still be your favorite part of the week, but when you maximize your weeknights, the time outside of the weekends will no longer be so bad!

Friday 22 August 2014

Taking Your Dog On A Road Trip

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
No one ever said that taking your dog on a road trip is easy (and if they did say this, they were probably lying!), but just because most dogs do not travel great for long distances does not mean that you cannot do a few things to improve the way they travel; if you are going to be taking a road trip with your dog at any point in the future, here are a few things to keep in mind.

The first thing that will be important for you to realize is that most dogs get restless if they are stuck sitting still for too long, and this is one of the main reasons why they don't do great on road trips, but you can combat this by tiring out your dog before the trip so that all they really want to do is sleep; before you get in the car at the start of the day (or, if it is going to be a multi-day trip, before the start of each day!), run your dog as much as they can handle, properly tiring them out!

Of course, after your dog has run enough that they are properly tired, filling them up with water will also be necessary, which will mean a stop sooner than you may have wanted to stop for them to go to the bathroom; this is not a bad thing, however, as you should try to stop every hour or two to combat the restlessness your dog is likely to start feeling - realizing that it is better to be proactive in this than to wait until they won't stop whining!


And finally, giving your dog a lot of positive attention and affirmation will go a long way in helping them on the trip; the more soothing your tone when you speak to your dog, the more easily you will be able to calm them down and figure out if they need to stop to go to the bathroom again, or are simply feeling restless.

When you decide to embark on a road trip with your dog, realize that it does not have to be a nightmare; keep these tips in mind, and you will be able to make the trip a whole lot smoother than it would otherwise be!

Thursday 21 August 2014

The Differences Between LCD, Plasma, and LED Televisions

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
It can be hard to pick a television when you have so many option available to you. How do you choose between LED, plasma, and LCD televisions? They all basically look the same but clearly the technology is different.

The oldest television (when it comes to the technology) is the plasma screen television. The television uses gasses that are pressed between sheets of glass to create the picture you see. Plasma televisions work best in darker rooms.  These TVs give out standing contrast, the whites are really white and the blacks are black. The glass screen can catch quite a bit of light and cause glare on the shiny glass. Viewing angles are not an issue with plasma televisions. Of the three types of televisions the plasma televisions are the heaviest.

Although LCDs fall short in a dark room compaired to plasmas, they work very well in a brighter room when they have a matte finish. LCD televisions use florescent tubes to light up the television. LCDs tend to be more slim when compaired to a plasma screen. One major downside to the LCDs is you can have viewing problems depending on what angle you are sitting at looking at the television.

LED televisions are LCD TVs that use LEDs instead of florescent tubes for backlighting. LED televisions probably have the best contrast and black colors of any TVs. The screen is either backlit or side lit with LED's. It is important to do your research when considering the side ilt LED television because there have been complaints about distortions with them. The plus side of the LED TVs is they are the most energy efficient of the three types. These are the priciest of the three different options.

Although this was just a breif overview of the different types of flat screen televisions, it does explain some of the differences. You probably would be happy with any of these televisions, but consider where you are putting this TV.  Is it going to be in a light room or a darker room? It is important to do some research about specific brands and models of televisions. Doing a bit of research can help you determine if there are any pit falls to a specific model of television.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Inside Fenway Park

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts is both the home of the Boston Red Sox and America's oldest ballpark. In fact, in 2012, Fenway Park will turn 100 years old. Although the Red Sox play 81 home games every season, and although Fenway park holds nearly 40,000 fans, the last time the team did not sell out a game was way back in 2003. This means that it can be difficult to get tickets to a game at Fenway, and you usually will need to either plan in advance or somehow get very lucky if you want to enjoy the Fenway Park experience; if you do make it to a game at Fenway, here are three historic places inside the park you will surely want to visit.

1) The red seat: There is one seat in right field, among rows and rows of green seats, that is painted completely red. This seat marks the spot of a Ted Williams home run hit on June 9, 1946. Ted Williams, who is one of the most legendary Red Sox players in team history, hit the ball 502 feet, and the man who was sitting in this seat was hit right in the head with it (no worries - the man was okay!). Over sixty years later, this is still the longest recorded home run in Fenway Park history, and is commemorated by the red seat.

2) Pesky's Pole: The right field foul pole at Fenway Park stands closer to home plate than any other foul pole in baseball, only 302 feet away. Shortly after the pole, however, the wall races away from home plate, creating one of the deepest right fields in Major League Baseball. Because of this odd configuration, balls that would be home runs in other ballparks often become outs at Fenway, and balls that might be outs at other ballparks wrap around this foul pole and become home runs. The pole itself is named for Johnny Pesky, a Red Sox legend from the 1940s who, although not known as a power hitter, had a tendency to wrap home runs around the pole. When you visit Pesky's Pole, you will discover the signatures of hundreds of fans, climbing up the pole.

3) The Green Monster: The Green Monster is the most well-known feature of Fenway. This wall in left field is 37 feet tall, which far surpasses all other Major League outfield walls in height. Unfortunately, you need tickets on top of the Green Monster to actually visit the seating area on top of it, but even a view from beside it is breathtaking.

If you find yourself in the fortunate position of getting to attend a game at Fenway Park, make sure you do more than just watch the game; get there early, see the sites, and enjoy the entire Fenway Park experience.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Things To Keep In Mind If You Are Planning An Outdoor Wedding

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When it comes time to plan a wedding (regardless of whether you are to be the bride or the groom), you will probably come to find that the bride has certain ideas in her head from which she does not want to be dissuaded, and usually, the groom is happy to go along with these ideas - so long as they make sense. But one idea that does not always make sense in reality, despite the fact that it can make sense in theory, is planning an outdoor wedding, and while you might be a bride who has your heart set on an outdoor wedding, you will want to examine these three things to make sure it is a good idea for you.

When are you getting married: The time of year when you are getting married will be a big consideration when you are planning an outdoor wedding, as the weather will make a big difference on how your wedding turns out; be aware of what the temperatures will be like around the time of year when you plan to be married, and if they will be too extreme, consider either changing the date or moving the wedding inside!

What time of day will the wedding be: Usually, the time of day is more flexible than the time of year, but if for some reason you are locked into a certain time of day, realize that the pictures will turn out much better if you are getting married in the evening than in the early afternoon, so if it is important to you that you have good pictures from the wedding, consider moving the wedding inside!

What is your backup plan: It will be important that you acknowledge that the weather will be unpredictable, and you will want to make sure you have a backup plan, because sometimes the weather will give you no choice but to move the wedding inside!

Make sure you pay attention to these questions when you are planning your wedding, and before you take the step of planning an outdoor wedding, make sure it will be a good idea!

Monday 18 August 2014

How to Open Your Home To Guests

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When you are going to have guests staying at your house, understanding how to open your home to them in such a way that they feel welcome and "at home" in spite of the fact that they are in your home will be one of the things that will be especially important; after all, it is always much better to feel comfortable and "at home" than to feel as if you are infringing on someone else's life and space! But even though you may invite someone into your home with intentions of making sure they feel as welcome as possible, ensuring that your guest actually feels welcome is sometimes more difficult than it seems on the surface - and it is for this reason that it is extremely important, if you will be inviting guests into your home, that you understand the steps you should take!

When someone is coming into their home, one of the first things most hosts do is tell the person that they should "feel at home," but oftentimes, the host's actions do not back up these words; rather than treating your guest as a "guest" (which, quite often, will make them feel like an outsider), try your best to treat your guest like family, as this will make them feel much more comfortable in your home.

When you have a guest coming to your house, you should also do your best to adjust your schedule in order to be able to spend time with them, but at the same time, you should be sensitive to the fact that many people need "alone time" just as much as they need time around others - which means that you should also give them enough space to spend some time alone as well.

And finally, when it comes to opening your home to guests, going out of your way to do extra things for them will be a big key; although it can be easy to think, "I am already doing plenty for them by opening my home," you will actually find that you will get even more enjoyment out of their stay when you make an effort to do extra things for them!

Sunday 17 August 2014

The Best Fishing Lures Made Today

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
There aren't many sports that one can take up that are more relaxing than fishing. There is nothing quite like being out on a lake in the northern United States or Canada enjoying a day of fishing. It's always nice to catch some fish in addition to being out on the lake, even though that his is enough for most people. Any sport that is played requires the right tools in order for the player to be successful. On the boat there aren't many tools that are more crucial than the lure; it is seen by the fish and must attract them.

Rapala has always been the number one name in fishing lures. Lures made out of balsa wood is what Rapala is known for. In the lure industry most companies have turned to plastic to make their lures from. This means that their lures do not have the action Rapalas do. Rapala and the balsa wood that they use offer not only better action, but many other advantages too. The lure itself can withstand more of a beating from fish, the paint on the lure lasts longer, and the lure floats.

Before the leave the factory Rapala lures are hand tuned by workers. This tuning is carried out inside of a tank so that there is no question that they will run true. This means that if you are trolling you will not have to worry about lines being tangled up. Casting will be even more enjoyable since you will have a lure that comes straight up to your boat during retrieval. A fish will be well attracted to a true running lure, but not to one that runs on its side.

A boat filled with fish next time you are on the lake is something you should shoot for. The best made lure for many years have been Rapala lures. While other companies have found cheaper and completely automated ways of creating a lure, Rapala has remained consistent. Their lures have always been made with high quality and serious care which continues today.