Saturday 5 April 2014

Raising Butterflies

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Raising butterflies can be a great experience for grade school aged children. Monarchs are one of the most ideal to raise at home. You can make this into a great learning experience where they can be hands on. You can help to teach them about the different life stages of a butterfly.

The first thing you really should do is purchase a book about monarchs this will help your children begin to understand their life cycle. Monarchs will lay their eggs on common milkweed and use it as well for a food source. Milkweed  can be planted in your butterfly garden as a great way to attact monarchs, along with collecting eggs. Monarch eggs look like a tiny white football often on the underside of milkweed leaves. To collect them, simply use a scissors to remove the leaf it is attached to. Once you have your clippings, you can place them in a tupperware container.

This can make a good temporary home for the eggs. It wont take long before they hatch and turn into tiny caterpillars. Make sure to keep supplying new milkweed leaves every few days. Old leaves mold before too long, so make sure to remove them. As your caterpillar grows, you will need to move him and the milkweed into a butterfly net house. This is a great place to house your caterpillar until it completes its change to a butterfly. Just make sure that when you open the top you are very careful of any chrysalis that may on the top.

A monarch's chrysalis will be bright green, and will remain that color until the moment before the butterfly immerges. When the butterfly is within 24 to 48 hours of emerging the chrysalis turns clear so you can actually see the monarch wings.

The butterfly book is a great resource to learn more about housing butterflies and attracting them around your house. This can be a great learning resource for your children.

Friday 4 April 2014

Does Any Betting System For Roulette Actually Work?

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
While some people can play games of chance such as blackjack, roulette, and craps just for the fun of it, there is always going to be that other group of people who think that they can “hit it big with these games,” to where they can take Vegas by storm (or worse, these days, take Internet gambling by storm) and make a whole bunch of money; one thing to realize, however, is that casinos make money on these games specifically because there is no “perfect betting system” that works every time.

Because you have nearly a 50-50 chance of winning in roulette if you play either black or red (or play odds or evens, or play high numbers or low numbers), the most common betting system used by people who think they can beat the system is the martingale system; this system calls for you to double your bet each time you lose – for instance if you lose one dollar, your next bet would be $2, and if you lose that your next bet would be $4, then $8, then $16, and so on – with the thought that you will eventually win, and win that $1 every time. The problem with the martingale system is that it is quite possible to lose 10 times or more in a row (just as a coin might land on tails 10 or more times in a row), at which point you would be putting over $500 on the table just to try to win that $1 – which will eventually push you against the table maximum, and will put you in a position where you are risking big losses for small gains.

The anti-martingale system is another system that is often used, where you increase your betting when things are going well, and decrease your bet size when you are on a losing streak; even with this approach at the roulette wheel, however, the fact remains that the house has about a 5% advantage no matter what you do, and there is no betting system you can use that will change this.

If you have a trip planned to Las Vegas or Atlantic City and want to play some roulette, the best thing you can do is sit down with a certain amount of money you are willing to bet, and stop as soon as you have bet this money; so for instance, perhaps you will sit down with $100, and some of your bets will be for $2, some will be for $5, and some will be for $10 or more, but regardless of what you win or lose from this $100, you stop as soon as this original $100 has been bet; when you do this, you will be able to keep your losses under control, and may even make some money over your weekend in the city!

Thursday 3 April 2014

Ticks Repellants

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you enjoy being in the woods, you know that this is tick season. Wood ticks are far from a favorate bug to anyone because they are so creepy and crawly. Not only are tick not nice to look at but they are also rife with diseases such as lymes disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and anaplasmosis. You don't want to catch any of these things. There are a few things that you can do to reduce your chances of getting these diseases.

A tick burrows into your skin a bit in order to get its meal.  This can cause problems in removing them. It is very important to take care when removing the tick to make sure it is completely removed. It can be easier to remove ticks with a pair of round edged tweezers. Grasp the tick firmly by your skin and very gently apply backward pressure to pull the tick out. If you are not comfortable doing this yourself, go to your nearest urgent care or walk in clinic.

Not getting a tick in the first place is the best line of attack. Using a combination of different sprays may be the best way to combat the little nippers. Permethrin Premium Insect Clothing Repellent is a spray you can put onto your clothing (not your skin), to repel and kill ticks. Permethrin is relatively safe in humans, but is a neurotoxin in bugs. This is not to be used on skin.

If you wish to put a spray on your skin in combination of using the permethrin on your clothing, an insect repellant wipe may be a great way to go. Containing 30% deet, this wipe will help deter ticks from getting on your skin. After you use deet you should make sure to wash it back off your skin. You don't have to worry about breathing in nasty aerosol bug spray when you use these wipes.

With a combination of bug repellents you greatly reduce your chance of getting a tick on you to bite you. Plus your chance of getting tick borne illnesses is greatly reduced.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Places To See In Cape Cod

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
You may be taking a trip to Cape Cod this summer, and may also be wondering what specific places you should be sure to visit. Of course, the quiet beaches of New England are a large part of the appeal of a trip to Cape Cod. But the Cape itself is not all there is to see when you visit Cape Cod; here are a few other places for you to consider seeing on your trip as well.

One of the biggest appeals of the Cape is the islands that lay just a few miles away - Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. On each island, you will find a distinct appeal and a distinct reason to visit, even though the two islands are often synonymous with one another. For anyone wanting to escape for the day to a small town with lots of charm, but also with lots of familiar trappings, Martha's Vineyard is an excellent option. Nantucket, on the other hand, has maintained a classic feeling at all costs - not even allowing such chains as Starbucks and McDonalds to invade their charming pocket of the world.

For baseball fans and non-baseball fans alike, the Cape Cod Baseball League is another great experience. This league is comprised of the top college prospects in the country, and yet, it is a completely unique baseball experience as all the games are absolutely free. You can enjoy top-level action from the sport's super stars, and even if you are not a fan of baseball, you will surely enjoy being able to sit on a blanket and picnic right alongside the field.

The city of Boston is also, of course, only a short drive from Cape Cod. The city of Boston is rich in history and tourism opportunities, and you will surely be happy that you made the trip to spend a day or two exploring. Make sure you take this trek on a weekday if you can, however, as traffic from Boston to the Cape is absolutely treacherous on weekends!

Even though Cape Cod is one of America's most charming vacation areas, make sure you get off the beach for at least a couple days, and see everything else this area has to offer.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

How To Travel Successfully Cross-Country

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
It is no secret that traveling by plane is faster than any other option, but if you are traveling with a large group, you can find that it is often both cheaper and a lot more fun to travel cross-country; and after all, it is said that the joy is in the journey - and if this is true, then traveling cross-country can provide you with a whole lot of joy - and while some people find that cross-country traveling is something of a nuisance, there are a lot of other people who find that it is enjoyable and even downright fun.

If you want to have success with a cross-country journey, one of the most important things for you to do is know how the people you are traveling with view the journey; sometimes, you will be traveling with a group that is keen on reaching the destination as quickly as possible, while there will be others who feel that the journey itself is truly part of the trip - and knowing which sort of group you are in will make a difference in how much all of you enjoy the trip.

When traveling cross-country, another thing of importance will be the comfort of everyone on the trip; realize that it is better for you to rent a vehicle that provides everyone with good leg room and proper head room than to try to squeeze into a car that is too small - and even when you factor in these costs, you will still save a lot over trying to fly everyone to your destination.

Finally, it will be important that you have a plan that you will be able to follow, as far as where you want to stop and what you hope to see; even though you will have the freedom to be totally flexible with this plan, having a plan to work from will put you in a good position for starting the trip and ensuring that things will go smoothly.

Even if you think it will be a real drag to drive cross-country, and that it would be a whole lot better to fly, you will be able to save some money by driving next time you need to travel with a lot of people - and if you keep these tips in mind, you may even find that you have a lot of fun!

Monday 31 March 2014

Choosing The Right Wedding Cake For You

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When it comes to the process of planning a wedding, there will be a lot of things that will go into it, but one of the big things will be deciding on a wedding cake (after all, the wedding cake will be one of the big things people notice, will be one of the big things featured in pictures, and will be one of the big things people enjoy eating!), but while it might seem like choosing a wedding cake would be just about as simple as choosing a birthday cake, it is actually a lot more complicated - which is why you will need to know a few important things for choosing the right wedding cake for you.

Take the time to shop around at a few wedding cake companies - going to cake testings and consulting with one of their experts - but make sure you do a bit of research on your own even before you go to a single cake testing; before you set foot in a wedding cake store, you should know what you want the colors of your wedding cake to look like, what size you want the wedding cake to be, and what you have in mind for the design, as this will help you to get what you want, rather than being "sold" something different.


Of course, it will not be any problem at all to make sure they are able to fulfill your desires if you want a very standard, traditional wedding cake - but you should also realize that things can get a bit more complicated if you have a custom design in mind; make sure the company with whom you are meeting will be able to fulfill your vision for the cake before you decide to hire them, as this will keep you from ending up with a wedding cake disaster!

And finally, make sure you have in mind an idea of how important the cake is to you - and of where the cake ranks compared to other things on your list for the wedding; wedding cakes can range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, so gather some prices and some information, and realize that you may have to make some sacrifices (either in the cake you want, or in other areas) in the end.

Each bride and groom will have their own, unique desires when it comes to wedding cakes, but when you keep these tips in mind, you will increase the chances of fulfilling the desires you have yourself!

Sunday 30 March 2014

Looking At Tips For Little Things To Keep The Planet Healthy

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you have the ability to read this, there is one thing you have in common with everyone else reading this - and that is that you depend on Earth for your ability to stay alive! Because of this, it will be extremely important that you are doing the little things you can do to help take care of the planet, and to keep it in a great, healthy condition.

One thing you need to make sure you realize is that a lot of people waste plenty of water every single day - and by making a few simple changes, you can keep from doing this yourself; get in the habit of turning off the water when you brush your teeth, fix leaks and drips in your house, and filter your own water instead of buying bottled water, and you will be doing a lot to help!

You should also realize that you can actually save money as well as the planet by switching the light bulbs you are using; when you use compact fluorescent bulbs, you will use only about 30% of the energy regular bulbs use, and will have light bulbs that last up to ten times longer before you need to replace them!

Another small change you can make is to simply brake more slowly in your car, and accellerate more slowly; in this way, you will save money on gas in the long run, and will use less gas as well!

And finally, realize that there is no need for you to use electricity for items that are not in use; unplug appliances when you are not using them, and turn off your air conditioner when you leave the house, and the savings and benefits to the planet will both pile up!

If you are looking for some things you can do to put the planet in a better position, keep these things in mind - and you will be contributing to the solution, instead of to the problem!