Saturday 14 June 2014

Avoid Tickets for Cell Phone Usage in the Car

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Throughout the world there are many cities that have instituted laws against cell phone usage when driving a car. Accidents due to this activity have proven to be a common occurrence when looking at the research done. The phone can be easily distracting to those that are driving. Drivers often stare at their phone when a text message comes in. Also they may send a text message back. Most commonly they will dial phone numbers to make calls while driving.

All of these activities increase the chance the driver will get into an accident. This reality makes it easy to see why laws against phone usage when driving where made. A really long commute though can make the need for a cell phone very strong for some drivers. The best answer for these people is to buy a Bluetooth headset. Bluetooth is a technology that allows for the use of a cell phone without needing to actually physically interact with the device. Instead calls can be made and received through an ear piece that sits on the outside of your ear.

Bluetooth headsets available from Samsung are the best ones to buy. Samsung creates many consumer electronics including Bluetooth head pieces. The last few years have brought cell phones that can be easily paired with bluetooth head sets. Using bluetooth on these phones is easily done. Set up will be required in order to pair the two devices, but only a small amount. Easy access to your phone without physically touching it can be done after you set it up.

You will be able to send and receive calls by speaking into the ear piece once your bluetooth is paired with your phone. As long as your contacts are paired with a voice command you should be able to dial them by saying their name. Most importantly you will be safe while driving while also having access to your phone and avoiding any citations!

Samsung WEP460 Bluetooth Headset.

Friday 13 June 2014

Great Television Shows For Fans Of British Humor

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Most people fully understand the fact that British humor is not quite the same as American humor, as it is much more dry and at times even much more coarse, but while some Americans find that British humor does not especially appeal to them, others find that British Humor is a fantastic source of laughter; if you are a fan of British humor, here are two British shows and one American show worth diving into.

One of the most popular shows on American television over the last several years has been The Office, but before The Office was a popular show here in the States, it was a popular British show; the UK version of The Office contains only 14 total episodes, but in these episodes is packed so much humor, you will be able to enjoy them again and again!

If workplace humor is something you get a kick out of, but you enjoy your workplace humor with a bigger dash of the absurd than you would find in The Office, another show worth checking out is The IT Crowd, which centers around the lives of a couple misfit IT guys at a big company in London; the success of this show has led to plenty of Hollywood exposure for the two stars - but those who love The IT Crowd will always remember them for their roles on the show!

And one show that failed to stay on the air on network television in the States, but would have had no problem building an audience and fan base in the UK, was Arrested Development; this show starred the likes of Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, Michael Cera, David Cross, and Jeffrey Tambor, and was narrated by Ron Howard - and though the show ultimately failed, its subsequent (and continued) success through DVD sales has led to an upcoming 10-episode "years later" season that will be aired on Netflix, and will be followed by a movie!

If you are always on the lookout for new ways to get your fix of British-style humor in the States, any of these three shows will give you exactly what you need!

Thursday 12 June 2014

An Easy Way to Win Your Fantasy Football League

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Fantasy football players all around the world are thrilled that there will be an NFL season this year. When owners locked out the players early this year a cancelled season looked ever more likely. Thankfully they recently agreed to a new collective bargaining agreement. This new agreement should keep the labor peace for at least another ten years. The worry about missing a season will also be out of every fantasy football players head for the upcoming many years. The season though is just about upon us, which means fantasy players everywhere are scrambling to get the info they need to win.

This is why this year, more than any other year, it is important to get the Fantasy Football Almanac 2011. The almanac is packed with information that any fantasy player will find useful in winning their league. The statistics for all players in the NFL are expertly organized in this book. These stats are then used to help break down who the best choices are at their positions. To make sure the best possible team gets drafted you should formulate a draft strategy after identifying the best players at their spots. Building a championship team is done by using this most important piece of strategy.

Fantasy Football Almanac 2011 The Essential Fantasy Football Reference Guide.

After the draft the Almanac will help you through the rest of the year as well. A season long bunch of key pickups is important too. The almanac will help you determine which players are sleepers so that you can keep tabs on them. At any sign of life you can pick them up and add them to your team. Many fantasy football players swear by the almanac. Considering the short time frame between the season and draft day, make sure to pick up the almanac this year more than others. No longer will you be sitting at the bottom of your league standings!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Making A Shared Vacation Work

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you have a couple or a family that you and your significant other or family especially enjoy spending time with, one thing that can always be a lot of fun is planning a joint vacation with them, where the two couples or families travel to the same destination, share lodging, and do all vacation-related things together - exactly as if all of you belong to a single family! But while this sounds like a lot of fun in theory - and while it can be a lot of fun in reality as well - there are also a few complications that such a vacation can present, so before you jump up and start planning one of these vacations, you should first make your way through this short list and make sure you are not making any of these mistakes.

When you and your significant other alone - or you and your family alone - are choosing a destination for your vacation, it will be much easier, as there will generally be two people involved in the final decision. But when another couple or another family is involved, you will double the number of decision makers to four (or more!), and it will be important that you go through the various possible destinations together, making sure no one is making a compromise for their vacation.

You should also decide on how the money for the trip is going to be split before you embark on the trip itself; if you are in separate hotel rooms at a resort, this will be easy, but if you rent a boat or a beach house together - and if you go with two families that have a different number of members in each - this will be more complicated, and you will want to make sure all of this is laid out in advance.

And one of the fun things about a vacation is having everyone together - relaxing and doing the same things - but with two groups converging, there might be some different ideas about what the plans for each day will be, and for this reason, your final step of planning should be making sure everyone is on the same page with all ideas and plans!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Exploring Some Traffic Rules You Might Not Know About

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When you are driving around town, your first goal should be to remain safe on the road; a close second to this goal, however, is probably that you avoid getting pulled over and stuck with a ticket - and in your efforts to avoid the unpleasant surprise of a ticket, it will be important for you to adhere to all rules of the road, no matter how obscure they are. While none of the following infractions are likely to land you a ticket, they are all technically grounds for a moving violation - and if you are not aware of them, a surly police officer just might decide to give you a ticket when you least expect it!

Changing lanes: You already know that you cannot cross a solid line when you are on the road, but what you might not have known is that you also cannot change lanes when you are going through an intersection; if you need to change lanes at an intersection, make sure you either do it before you enter the intersection or after you leave the intersection!

Turning into the proper lane: When you are making a turn, and are needing to get over into the far lane, it might seem natural to make a sweeping turn that puts you in that lane right away, but you should make sure you are aware of the fact that it is actually illegal to turn into any lane but the nearest one - no matter what lane you are needing to be in!

Red lights: This is one that people frequently neglect to pay attention to - the fact that a red light always means Stop; this means that, even if you are making a right turn at a red light, you are still supposed to come to a complete stop before you keep going!

It is easy to break these rules and simply assume you will never get anything more than a warning - but it is just as easy (and a whole lot smarter!) to simply adhere to these rules, and to avoid the chance of a ticket altogether!

Monday 9 June 2014

A Look At What To Do Once You've Published A Book

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Regardless of whether you have been published by a small press, by a major publishing house, or by your own self-publishing efforts, the simple fact is, the road to publication is long and fraught with plenty of obstacles and trials, but one thing that sometimes can be even tougher than the road to publication is the road that follows the point of publication; if you are on your way to publishing a book (or if you have recently published a book), here are a few things you will want to keep in mind for the time that follows publication.

Keep building your site: There is a very good chance you have had a website that you have been running in order to explore your thoughts on writing, or in order to explore your writing journey; one thing to realize is that this website is extremely valuable, and you will not want to let go of it once your book is published, but will instead want to ramp up your efforts even more!

In order for you to do everything you can to increase your book sales, another thing that will be important will be that you "go to where the people are"; in addition to building your website and waiting for people to come to you, also visit websites, forums, and blogs where other writers and readers spend their time, and be active in these communities, as this will draw attention to you and to your work.

And finally, realize that one of the most difficult things of all about the time that follows publication is simply bringing yourself to continue writing; even though you will be busy with other aspects of the writing world, continue writing so that your next book will eventually come along to follow the first.

Taking all the steps you will have to take through the entirely "new" process of being an "author" (rather than simply being a "writer") is difficult at times - but when you go into it with as much knowledge, information, and advice as you can gather, you will be in much better shape than you would otherwise be in.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Exploring Sports Rivalries You Should Make Sure You See

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
You probably have a team that you consider to be your favorite if you are a big sports fan, but as fun as it is to watch your favorite team on television and to make an effort to attend the games of your favorite team, it is also fun to take the time to watch other teams play – especially when you are able to watch rivalry games. Of course, there are well-known rivalries in every single sport, but due to the physical nature of football, these rivalries are some of the most fun to watch – regardless of whether you are a fan of either team or are simply wanting to watch a great, physical football game!

One of the oldest rivalries in football is the Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears, which is a tradition of competition that stretches all the way back to the 1920s; even before the Super Bowl era, these two teams played for championships all the time, and as they have been in the same division for as long as anyone can remember, their games against each other are always intense and full of passion.

The Baltimore Ravens and the Pittsburgh Steelers is another old rivalry, but it is one that has become especially intense in recent years; this rivalry goes all the way back to when the Baltimore Ravens were the old Cleveland Browns, but it has especially intensified in recent years, as the two teams are now located so close to one another, as both teams are built to be extremely physical, and as both teams have become very good – all of which adds up to a perfect rivalry game.

And when you are talking about football rivalries, you certainly cannot neglect college football either; although there are plenty of great rivalries in college football, one of the best is OU and Texas – a rivalry that has become even more intense over recent years as the annual tilt between these two teams usually decides which of them stays in the running for the National Championship, and which of them no longer has a shot at finishing the season as the best team in college football!