Saturday 22 November 2014

How To Put Together A Softball Team

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
As you get older, it will become more difficult for you to make sure you are still making the time to see all of your friends as frequently as you would like, and while there are certainly lots of ways to remedy this, one of the best ways is to put together some sort of sports team that you and your friends can participate in together. Of course, most adults think of going golfing when they think of playing sports, but unlike golf - where you can only get two to four guys together - putting together a softball team is a great idea for the fact that it will allow you to get lots of guys together at once, in a situation where you can do something together but still have a lot of down time as well.

The fact that none of the guys need to have any experience with softball in the past is one of the great things about putting together a softball team; as long as the guys have a basic understanding of the rules, and as long as you make sure you have enough guys to fill out the roster without being short players, you will be able to put in a team.

In addition to making sure you have enough guys who are interested, you will want to make sure you have the equipment you need; a few softball bats will be important to have, and you will also need to bring some softballs, as each team will probably pitch with their own balls.

And when it comes to trying to put together a softball team, one of the most important things of all will be that you make sure everyone on the team pays you their share of the money - otherwise, as much fun as the softball league will be, you will be spending a whole lot more money than you would especially want to spend!

When you put in your softball team keeping these things in mind, you will be able to have a lot of fun with all your old friends, as you all have the chance to spend time doing something together each week.

Friday 21 November 2014

Tips For Having A Game Night With Your Friends

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When it comes to figuring out things for you and your friends to do together, it can be easy for it to feel like you have run out of things to do, but one idea that is great for groups of friends of all ages is planning a game night. Even though this might sound like a "lame idea" (especially to younger groups of friends, who often look for rowdier plans than a "game night"), it can often be surprisingly fun - even more so for those groups who go into it imagining it will not be fun, as they tend to be truly surprised.

Games that everyone will enjoy is the first thing you will need in order to plan a successful game night; talk to your friends and see if they own any board games, or if they have any suggestions for games you might consider. Some of the best options for getting a big group of people together for games (games that are easy to learn, easy to play, and a lot of fun) are Uno, Apples To Apples, and Cranium; all of these games are inexpensive, and they will all be great games for your inaugural "game night."

Another aspect of having a successful game night is having a plan, which is an area many people do not think about; if you get everyone over to your house and then ask everyone what they want to play first, you will be starting out on a slow, dragging note, which is something you can avoid if you tell everyone what games will be played, and in which order!

Finally, one idea that many people find is a lot of fun with their game nights is the idea of having prizes; you can give out prizes for the winner of each game, and you can even come up with a system to combine the scores of all the games to award a grand prize in the end!

In the end, the success of your game night comes down to how much fun everyone decides to have - but with these tips as your guide, you will be much closer to a fun and successful game night!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Snow Skiing Equipment To Make Sure You Have

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
It might seem silly to start looking for snow skiing equipment while it is still hot outside, but many people make the mistake of waiting until the fall to start looking for snow skiing equipment, and this puts them in a position where they are spending more money than they want to on each item – and where they are spending more money all at once than they are able to! If you want to avoid these mistakes, the best way to do so is by looking for snow skiing equipment right now – when you can find used equipment online at good discounts, and when you can spread your purchases out over a couple months.

Many people go straight for the outerwear when they are looking for snow skiing equipment, forgetting that the layers they wear underneath are just as important; before you worry about anything else, make sure you are getting some base layers that are lightweight and moisture wicking.

After you have taken care of the base layers, you can take care of the outerwear; again, you will want to make sure you buy stuff that is lightweight – but when it comes to outerwear, it will also be important that the lightweight purchases you make are also warm enough to take care of you on the slopes, and are waterproof enough that you don't get wet underneath.


And as far as hats and gloves go, you will want to find some that are not only comfortable, but are also warm; furthermore, when it comes to gloves, make sure the gloves you buy are waterproof, as the last thing you want while skiing is hands that are soaking wet.

You will be able to accumulate your snow skiing gear over time when you start to prepare in advance – and once the winter hits, and the slopes are ready, you will be completely prepared to go out there and enjoy a day of skiing!

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Three Short Story Collections Worth The Time To Read

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Novels are plenty more popular than short stories these days, as it is no longer possible for people to make a living writing short stories, and this has caused a shortage in the number of great short stories that are readily available; if you enjoy reading, however, one of the greatest things you can dive into is a short story collection, as this will give you the opportunity to explore a number of different stories in a short amount of time, and will make it much easier to fit a bit of reading into your busy schedule.

JD Salinger is known as one of the masters of literature, largely because of the sole novel he wrote, "The Catcher in the Rye," but before Salinger quit publishing his works altogether, he was also an accomplished short story writer, and his greatest collection of short stories can be found in the book "Nine Stories"; these stories have a classic Salinger style (and in fact, some of them contain Salinger characters you may recognize from other stories), while also giving you something altogether new and different from a writer you may already be a fan of.

Over the last sixty years, one of the masters of the short story was Richard Ford, and while he wrote a number of novels in addition to his short stories, it was his collections of short stories that gave him his reputation as one of America's greatest authors; you cannot go wrong with any short story collection of Richard Ford, but if you are looking for an author who captures minimalism at its finest, Ford's collection "Rock Springs" is the perfect book for you to pick up.

And one of the most well-known short story authors of all-time was Flannery O'Connor, who was one of the most beloved Southern authors, and whose collection "Everything that Rises Must Converge" is a perfect example of what a flawless collection of short stories looks like.

If you have been trying to find some new reading material, take a look at some of these books; who knows, you just may find a new favorite author that you can return to again and again!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Keeping Your House Clean

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Most people would agree that there is hardly anything that is more annoying and frustrating than a messy house - the only problem, of course, is that for a lot of people, one of the few things that actually is more annoying and frustrating to them than a messy house is having to actually keep a house clean, and because of this, they sacrifice one discomfort at the expense of another and live in a house that is always a lot messier and a lot dirtier than it needs to be!

There is certainly no "universally perfect" way to keep a house clean, but one thing that works well for many people (yes, even for many people who hate having to clean a house!) is having a set of "chores" that you assign yourself each week; mark down all the things in your house that need to be cleaned once a month or so, and then break them down into four groups of tasks so that each one can be taken care of once a month.

In addition to taking care of a few smaller things once every month, you should also keep in mind some of the bigger, more thorough cleaning jobs you will want to undertake twice each year; add to this list the smaller tasks that do not need to be done frequently, and set aside one "cleaning day" in the fall and one in the spring, during which you can take care of these "twice per year" items.

And of course, the best way to keep a house from becoming a mess is to clean as you go; pick up after yourself as you move through each day, of course, and also, keep your eyes open for things that require cleaning, and knock them out on the fly.

When you break cleaning down into a regimented approach in this this manner, it will no longer seem like such a monumental task, and you will be able to live in a clean house - without feeling like you have to do "so much" work to make this a reality!

Monday 17 November 2014

Becoming A Better Rock Climber

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
At its core, rock climbing is really just a great workout, a great way to get outside and enjoy nature, and a great hobby to have, but as is the case with nearly every hobby, rock climbing also becomes more fun when you are constantly improving and becoming better at it; it can be a bit difficult at times to figure out exactly what you can (or should!) do in order to become a better rock climber, but if you have been searching for exactly what you can do to improve, here are a few ideas to keep in mind!

You might think that always trying harder routes is the best way to improve as a rock climber, but actually, the best thing you can do to improve is to traverse the walls (climbing sideways across them, instead of climbing up them), as this will build strength and will also practice you at more difficult holds; as you traverse more frequently, you will find that the muscles you need for rock climbing are getting progressively stronger, and you will find that you are much more balanced when you attack the walls again.

Climbing with someone who is better than you is another great way to get better at climbing; have this person spot you and even help you to see the holds, and you will be able to try the things they are trying, which will push you to keep improving as a climber.

And of course, climbing more difficult routes definitely will help (even if it will not help as much as traversing will!), so keep trying routes that give you a tough time, and realize that even when you are not able to complete them, you will still be pushing yourself to keep improving every time you try.

The more often you climb, the more practice you will get, and the more practice you get - especially as you keep these things in mind - the more adept you will continue to be!

Sunday 16 November 2014

Tips For Driving A Disc Golf Driver

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you are not a competitive person, playing disc golf will be enjoyable for the simple fact that it gives you the opportunity to get outside on a pleasant afternoon, walking around and enjoying the outdoors; if you are competitive, however, part of enjoying disc golf will be actually getting (at least decently) good at it! And the biggest part of "getting good at disc golf" will be getting good at throwing your driver; throwing a disc golf driver is not difficult, but it will certainly be important for you to know what you are doing.

The first thing for you to practice is holding the disc perfectly flat and your arms perfectly straight; if you have ever thrown a frisbee at the beach or at the park, you have probably curled your arm into your body and then thrown it outward, but with a disc golf driver, you will get much better results (as far as both distance and accuracy) if you practice keeping your arms straight at all times.


Start out your throw a few steps back on the “tee,” with your throwing shoulder pointed in the direction you are hoping to throw; with the disc held flat and your arms stretched out straight, step behind your throwing leg with your non throwing leg, then use this movement to propel you forward as you fling the disc out onto the course.

Make sure you check out this perfect Beginner Disc Golf Set!

When it comes to "trying to improve a disc golf drive," one of the big mistakes a lot of people make is trying to throw the disc for distance before they learn how to consistently throw it straight; early on in your practice, make sure you are able to throw the disc straight every time, and once you reach this point, you can start working on using the same motion, but with more power, in order to throw the disc farther.

Once you follow these tips to improve your disc golf drive, you will be able to consistently hit the course and play well – and of course, this will cause your disc golf experience to be a whole lot more enjoyable!