Saturday 28 February 2015

How TiVo is Superior to Cable Company DVRs

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Great shows to watch on TV today are not very hard to find. Finding the time to watch them is difficult, but most people can find a lot of shows to get involved with. Busy people will find it near impossible to watch all of the shows that they enjoy. Buying a DVR is the best option in these cases. One compact piece of equipment in a DVR will allow you to record a ton of shows. In DVR technology the number one name has always been TiVo.

TiVo was one of the first companies to come out with a DVR unit when they were invented. Many cable companies now offer a DVR service, but they don’t stand up to a TiVo DVR. The TiVo DVR replaces your standard cable box or cable company DVR. It offers much more storage space than a cable company’s DVR. 45 hours of high definition TV shows can be recorded. It will work with any antenna or cable fueled TV, but does not work with satellite dishes.

You will be able to cut down on your monthly cable bill by returning your cable box or DVR. The saved money can be used to get a superior HD experience with a brand new TiVo DVR system. The combination of all your TV features into one remote and one box is great. The interface this device offers is also far superior to those with a standard cable box. Not only can you use this device to search for TV shows, but it will search the internet at the same time.

There are many reasons to opt for a TiVo DVR over one from your cable company. The interface is much easier to use and you can record a lot more on this device, as well as saving some money over the years. Make sure you upgrade as soon as possible since TiVo gives you a superior TV experience!

Friday 27 February 2015

Choosing Who To Start And Sit In Fantasy Football

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you are a veteran fantasy footballer, you understand that a lot of time and research can go into compiling your team, but when you get to the decision of who to start and who to sit each week, you can find yourself in a tough spot - and in fact, if you have put together a pretty good team, these decisions can be even tougher, as you will have even more players to choose from for your starting roster each week!

Each week, the first thing you ought to do when attempting to make decisions as to who you will start and who you will sit is take the time to research rankings put together by experts; there are lots of different, reputable sites that post weekly rankings each week, and you will often find that of the two players you are trying to decide between, one is consistently ranked higher across several websites for that week.

If you are trying to choose between two players who play a different position (such as choosing between a certain running back or a certain wide receiver to play in your flex), or if the rankings for the week are different on different websites, you will be best served to decide whether you need to go with a more risky player who has a higher upside, or if you should go with a safer bet who may not have as much explosiveness.

And one area where many fantasy footballers get themselves in trouble is that they worry a whole lot about matchups, assuming that a mediocre player will perform better in a soft matchup than a great player will perform in a difficult matchup; while this will sometimes be the case, you will find that it is far more often the case that the better player will put up more fantasy points - regardless of matchups - so continue riding your best players, and eventually this will bring you a lot more wins.

There is a whole lot that goes into conducting and keeping up with a fantasy football season, but when you keep these tips in mind, you can at least minimize the difficulty of deciding who to start and who to sit.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Ever Consider Growing Asparagus In Your Home Garden?

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
You should eat as much asparagus as you can. High in both antioxidants and folic acid, your body and health will benefit from eating this green veggie. You can grow asparagus from home with a bit of know how and love. You should be albe to grow asparagus in just about any state in the U.S.

Once you have decided to grow asparagus you should purchase the book named How to Grow the Best Asparagus. This is a great book that is jam packed with hints and tips about growing asparagus at home. Before you even consider growing asparagus you must have ripe compost at your disposal. Compost can meet the asparagus's need for high quality soil for the asparagus to grow and produce well. You can start your own composting easily by purchasing a compost bin.

Asparagus root needs to be placed into a trough in the soils. A Matis cultivator can make a trough for you in no time at all. A five inch deep furrow is perfect for your asparagus. Once you have your trough created, toss in some rich compost and mix it with the soil in the bottom of the trough. Asparagus can e planted about a foot and a half apart. Please note you can start your asparagus from scratch but this is much more labor intensive then just starting with the roots.

Expect to not harvest any shoots from the plant until the second year of growth after you plant. Once you can harvest shoots it is handy to have an to cook your homegrown asparagus. Asparagus may take a little love and knowledge to grow but once it is going you will enjoy years of food for your effort.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Bike Tool Must Haves

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
It is important to pack correctly when going on a longer bike ride. These must have tools can really save the day when you get into trouble on the road. Most are easily stored in a jersey pocket in a case, or even attach to the frame of your bike.

One of your biggest enemies on the road is a flat tire. This can be very inconvenient if you don't have the right equipment. A tire changing tool and patch kit is a good thing to pack if you don't have a spare tube.

You can use this tool to easily remove the tire from the rim and access your tube. The patch kit allows you to fix the leak in your tube if you can find it. Which can be a bit triky, that is why it is recommended to carry a spare tube instead.

Next you must make sure you have a way to pump back up your tube once you get your tire and rim put back together. Some people really like the Topeak pocket rocket bike pump.

This is a lightweight aluminum pump, which is not lacking in ability to get a high pressure in your tire. The size of this pump is very small and can easily be attached to your bike. The other option you could consider is a CO2 inflator bike pump. These use CO2 cartrages to quickly fill your tube with air. What is nice about these is they fit into a pocket or a seat bag very easily.

When you need to do minor adjustments or tuning on the road, it is highly suggested to get a multitool. A great multitool for this is the top peak allen II.

It is important to make sure you have at least some basic tools when you are on the road to help keep you out of trouble.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Looking At Pink Slip Auto Loans

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
It is quite normal for people to end up in a place where they are short on money, and where they are maybe even willing to resort to desperate measure in order to rectify their situation; oftentimes, these desperate measures can include applying for a high-interest payday loan (one that needs to be paid back, with interest, within a couple weeks) or even selling off personal possessions - but another idea to consider is a pink slip auto loan.

Basically, a pink slip loan functions the same way taking out a second mortgage on your house would work - where you pretty much end up borrowing against the value of your car; for instance, if you have a car that is worth $8000, you might be able to get a pink slip loan for about 75% of this amount (about $6000), which could be enough to get you out of the tough spot you have found yourself in.

Of course, as with any "unique" form of loan such as this (especially one that allows you to take out a loan even if you have bad credit - which is usually the case with a pink slip loan), there are drawbacks - and the primary drawback with a pink slip loan is often that the interest rates are not exactly competitive, and if you are unable to make your payments, you will lose the rights to your car!

Of course, the question this brings up is that of whether or not a pink slip loan is actually worth it - and the answer, quite simply, is that it depends on your situation; if you find a solid, reputable company that deals in pink slip loans, you will be able to get a repayment plan stretched over anywhere from two years to four years, and will be able to pay off the balance of the loan at any point without incurring a prepayment penalty. At the same time, there are companies whose terms are not quite so generous or agreeable; in the end, it basically comes down to how dire your situation is - realizing that a pink slip loan is better than many options, but is certainly not the most desirable way to have to go!

Monday 23 February 2015

Looking For Ways To Catch Up With Your Old College Friends

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
The further away you move from college (and from all your old college buddies!), the more wonderful many of these college memories will start to seem, and while it might seem like you are imagining these memories to be more wonderful than they really were, a "reunion-type" outing with all your old college buddies will often be enough to make you realize that the memories really were as great as you remember, and that the memories you and your old buddies made together truly were epic! With the connectivity afforded by facebook and other social networking sites, it is fairly easy these days to set up a reunion-type outing - even if some of your buddies are now strewn across the country.

The tame: Going to someone's house for a barbeque or to watch a game is the easiest way to get a bunch of the old group together; while this will probably not create any new, spectacular memories, it will give everyone a chance to reminisce, and it will keep you from having to do any major planning.

The adventurous: If you want to make new memories while also reminiscing with your old college buddies, consider some sort of all-day outing; ideas for such outings include a day at the beach, a rafting trip, or a trip to a ball game - and once you get everyone together again for a full day, there is no telling what will happen.

The ultimate: Of course, if you want to go all-out - which is certainly advisable if you have people who are coming in from out of town for the "reunion" - you should plan something overnight; this can also be a trip to the beach or along a river, but with camping (or a beach/lake house), or it could even be a central city that has a great nightlife, and that is easy for everyone to get to!

Regardless of the option you end up settling on as the right one for you and your friends, you will be able to catch up with all your old friends and reminisce on great times, and you might even create more great times that you can all reminisce on further down the road!

Sunday 22 February 2015

Tips For Cutting Down A Tree And Saving The Wood For Planks

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you happen to have a tree in your yard that you are going to have to cut down - either because it is in the way of new construction, is partially diseased, or is leaning precariously - it is always great to be able to cut the tree down in such a way that you can salvage the trunk for wood planks. But in order to have a tree that you can get planks from, you will have to make sure that the tree comes down in one piece - which means you will have to know how to cut the tree down the right way.

When it comes to cutting down a tree, the toughest part is that you cannot really predict exactly where the tree will fall, which makes it a bit risky to cut down the tree all at once if your house (or a neighbor's house!) stands near the tree. At the same time, however, there are things you can do to increase the likelihood of the tree falling where you hope for it to fall.

The first thing to do is to make sure of exactly where you want the tree to fall; after you have marked and cleared the area, you should remove a wedge from the tree on the side toward which you want the tree to fall - going no more than a third of the way into the tree.

After you have done this, move to the other side and start cutting into the tree a couple inches higher than where the wedge is on the other side; as you start to make your way through the tree, the weight will shift over toward the wedge, and this should cause the tree to fall where you intended for it to fall.

When you are cutting a tree, you will need to make sure everyone in the vicinity is aware that they should stay away unless they are helping you, and when the tree starts to fall, you need to clear out to make sure that any unexpected occurrences do not leave you injured!