Saturday 15 November 2014

Tips For Becoming A Better Public Speaker

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Many people claim to be “afraid” of public speaking, but these people fail to realize that they are more frightened of the unknown than they are of public speaking itself; if you have a situation coming up in which you will have to do some public speaking (either a presentation for work, a speech at a wedding, or just about anything else that requires you to stand in front of lots of people and give a prepared speech), you should know that it is actually quite easy to speak in front of people - as long as you know how to be a better public speaker!

When it comes to public speaking, one of the big things you want to realize is that silence is a powerful tool that you can use to your advantage; understand the “power of pause,” as pausing will give people a moment to chew on what you just said, and will give you a moment to compose yourself before you continue forward.

Another thing that is important is that you make the beginning of your speech impactful; there is nothing worse than standing in front of a group of people and realizing that you have lost their attention, but when you lead off with something that is attention-grabbing and worth their time to listen (that is, not starting with pleasantries or with introducing yourself, but connecting with the audience right way), you will find that it is much easier for you to keep their attention throughout the duration of your speech.

And as you prepare for your speech, you will want to ask yourself the question “what's my point,” as too many people stand up to speak in front of a group of people and try to hit on lots of different points, which leaves their audience remembering none, but when you have a single point and you stick with that point throughout your entire speech, you will be far more likely to make an impact on your audience's thinking.

And in order to prepare for public speaking, the best thing of all you can do is to practice, practice, practice; the more you practice, the less “new” it will be when you have to stand up to speak, and this will cause you to feel a whole lot more comfortable!

Friday 14 November 2014

Going On Affordable Dates That Are "Fun" Instead of "Cheap"!

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you and your spouse or significant other are working with a tight budget these days, there are two ways your dates can turn out: they can either be "cheap" dates, or they can be "affordable" dates that are still a lot of fun! If all you want is to find some "cheap dates," you will probably be safe to stop reading this article right now; if, on the other hand, you are wanting to take some "affordable" dates that are fun and memorable, read on for a few great tips and ideas!

Now that spring is here (with summer just around the corner!), one of the best ways to enjoy the company of someone you love (or even of someone you are simply "quite fond of") is by enjoying the night and watching the stars as you spend some time outside. When you go out with your significant other to do this in a great spot, it will not cost you a dime, and it will be something that is memorable and enjoyable; you can even consider packing a picnic and some music, and you can stretch your time outside from the evening into the night when the stars start showing up in the sky!

There are also a lot of options for activities "around town" that are not expensive at all; while something such as "dinner and a movie" can actually run you quite a bit of money, you can save money by eating dinner together at home, and then doing something fun and less expensive such as a trip to the driving range, or a round of miniature golf, or a game of bowling!

And of course, "out of town" activities are also plentiful; consider going to a beach if you live near one, or go to a lake if there are no beaches nearby; go for a hike in the mountains or in the forest, or take a trip into the desert; regardless of where you live, there are surely plenty of things "to see," and when you share these experiences with someone you care about, it will be something you both can enjoy and remember!

Thursday 13 November 2014

Taking A Look At Three Great Getaway Ideas For Couples

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you want to keep your relationship with your significant other fresh and strong for a long time to come, one of the best things you can do is make sure the two of you are making the effort to spend lots of quality time together, and while you can certainly spend quality time together at home, it can be extremely valuable to get away from it all every once in a while; if you are looking for some great getaway ideas for you and your significant other, here are a few for you to keep in mind.

Bed & Breakfast: One thing that will be a big part of having a successful getaway is for you and your significant other to have a chance to be together in a place without being distracted by lots of other things, and a bed & breakfast is great for this; search for highly-rated bed & breakfasts in small towns (not too far away, but not so close to home that you feel like you've gone nowhere!), and take a weekend together.

Camping: Camping is certainly not the right choice for every couple, but one thing about camping that is especially great is that it enables you to really get away from everything else; regardless of whether you are going camping at a campsite, in a cabin, or wherever you can find a spot at the end of a day of backpacking, this can give you and your significant other a chance to really enjoy your time together.

All-Inclusive Getaway: Thinking outside the box a bit when you are trying to come up with a way to enjoy time with your significant other is also valuable - and "thinking outside the box a bit" does not have to mean scaling back to something less extravagant. Believe it or not, many all-inclusive vacations to excellent resorts in Mexico (and even to other beach locations!) cost less than a weekend somewhere nearby would cost - airfare included - and if you keep your eyes open for such getaways, you just might find that you and your significant other can spend a weekend on the beach and return to work feeling absolutely refreshed!

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Taking Strategic Time Off Work

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If the job you work is nothing more than a "filler job" - filling your time until you find a job doing what you truly want to do - or if you work at a job that is fairly flexible as far as allowing you to take days off, you will probably never get in one of those positions where you feel like you absolutely need to get away, and where you are not all too sure you will actually be able to. On the other hand, if the job at which you work is important to you, or if your job is demanding (or if both of these are the case!), it will be important for you to take a day off every once in a while - and it is also important for you to be able to identify exactly when this is necessary.

If the job at which you work does not allow you to take time off whenever the mood strikes, you will want to be strategic with the days off you take - and the best approach, as far as this goes, is to simply wait until you reach a point where you feel like you have no choice but to take a day off, as if you just might burst if you don't!

It will be tempting for you, when you take this day off, to just lie around doing nothing all day, but the problem with this is that you will soon return to work feeling no different from the way you felt before you left; instead of putting yourself in this position, you will put yourself in a much better position if you plan something that is not only relaxing for the day, but that is also fun and memorable!

And most importantly of all when you are trying to take a strategic day off is that - on the day itself - you force yourself to exist "in the moment"; do not think about work or about any of your other responsibilities, but instead, enjoy what you are doing right then, as this will leave you feeling far more refreshed and fulfilled when you return to work at last.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Looking At Tips To Make Moving Much Easier

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Moving can be really exciting (especially if you are upgrading in your move - or, if you have gotten sick of all the work that comes with owning a home and are moving to a condo, it can be exciting to downgrade in a move!), but in addition to the excitement that sometimes comes with moving, there is also a lot of work that goes into a move - and this work can be especially taxing on those who do not know what they can do to make moving easier.

One great tip for making moving easier sounds simple in theory, but many people fail to think of it nonetheless (and actually, it can be difficult to do if you tend to hold onto things you don't need!), and that is the fact that you should never move anything you do not need; as you head toward your moving date, start to get rid of every unnecessary item you own - holding garage sales, giving things away, and throwing things away - so that you can significantly lighten your load.

You should also start preparing for your move as early as possible; some people wait until the last minute, and then feel a tremendous amount of stress as they try to prepare everything at once for the move, but when you get started early, you will be able to work a little bit at a time, and will be fully prepared for the move by the time Moving Day reaches you.

And when you are preparing to move, you will want to be as organized as possible, as this will help you on the other end of the move as well; make sure all your boxes contain things in the same general area of the house, label the boxes with a number (for instance, "living room 4"), and in a corresponding notebook, keep track of what is in each numbered box so you can know exactly where to find anything you need!

And of course, you will want to get as much help from others as you possibly can, to make your move easier - but even of you cannot accomplish this final step, the first three should be enough to simplify the moving process an incredible amount.

Monday 10 November 2014

Painting Freehand

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Even if you have no genuine talent as a painter, painting can be a fun way to pass a pleasant evening outdoors – but even if you know that you do not know how to paint, you will probably enjoy it a lot more if you feel good about what you're painting. Of course, if you decide to paint an abstract piece, painting something good is all about perspective, as you can simply splash paint on the canvas and say that it looks good as long as you feel that it does, but if you are wanting to paint something real, it can be a bit more difficult – so here are a few tips to help you out if you're trying to paint freehand.

Even though there will not be an actual outline on the canvas, picturing an outline will help you to do a good job once you put the paint brush to the canvas itself; before you start painting, get an idea of what you want the canvas to look like when you finish, and try to picture what an outline would look like if it were there, as this will help to guide you.

You should start out small and “cautious” early on in the painting process, as this will help you to minimize your mistakes; the further into your painting you go, the more broadly you can start working, expanding out from the small parts of the outline to the bigger parts.

And being willing to throw caution to the wind is probably something you will eventually have to do; even for the best painters, not everything turns out exactly the way they expect it to, but often this is part of the beauty of the finished product itself.

You will become better and better the more often you paint – but even if you only paint recreationally every once in a while, you can follow these tips to help you paint something that you can be happy with every single time!

Sunday 9 November 2014

How Can I Save Money On My Heating Bills?

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
You might have found yourself complaining all winter about the high costs of heating your house, wondering where on earth all that heat goes in the first place. Actually, it is not magical, the way heat leaves your house, and neither is it all that difficult to understand. Furthermore, it is not difficult to turn things around, so that a lot less heat leaves your house than has been leaving it all winter. For the rest of this winter, for next winter, and even for the summer, this knowledge will help you keep your energy costs down, as the heat and air conditioning stay in and the outside air stays out.

The biggest area in your house from which heat escapse is through your windows - even if all of them are closed! If you keep the shades or the blinds in your house drawn, you will do a lot to combat this problem; of course, many people enjoy the sunlight streaming in, but just know that you are paying for this pleasure! Storm windows on the outside - instead of screens - can also help to keep the cold air out and the heat in. You can also buy window films that go over your window and keep the heat in, such as Energy Film Window Film.

Shop For Energy Film Window Film

You should also have your house looked at to find out whether your roof and walls are well-insulated; you might not want to spend the money to fix this problem if you are losing lots of heat this way, but you will save money in the long run if you spend a bit of money now.

Finally, remember that the edges around the doors in your house can let inside air out and outside air in. You can keep the warm air inside and the cold air outside by sealing the edges of any doors that you rarely use, keeping them unused during the winter.

In order to make sure that your house it not losing heat, it might cost you a bit of time, a bit of work, and even a bit of money. But once you are able to enjoy the warmth of your home without paying through the nose, you will realize that the time, work, and money spent were more than worth it!