Saturday 16 November 2013

Shirdi Sai Baba- The Gospel-2

The Gospel of Shirdi Sai Baba- 2

This is the second part of the video series of the Gospel of Shirdi Sai Baba.

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, we have seen earlier had complained that His teachings and philosophy were not propagated well in His lifetime and even after His Maha Samadhi.  So an attempt is being made here, through a video and transcript series here to do so.

I humbly request the readers and listeners to go through the same and propagate the same to fellow travelers in the spiritual path. Shirdi Sai Baba has assured blessings on them.

                               The Gospel of Shirdi Sai Baba- 2

For more teachings and the Gospel-

Video Transcript:
The Gospel of Shirdi Sai Baba- 2

One attains merits or sins as per one's own actions. I am the witness of your good deeds and bad deeds. My philosophy of divine knowledge which when dawns on you with utmost clarity, absolves you of all your sins.

"Shed, 'I' and 'Mine' . Worldly life is filled with ego and attachment . Destroy them. Then only you get a philosophical bent of mind. Try to acquire the Divine Light. While practicing for it, try to acquire selflessness. Selflessness is the goal for all. Selflessness is God.

All the actions you do with good intention shall yield you good results and bad actions shall give you bad results. Any Karma done with selflessness does not bind you. Learn detachment while beginning to do a good deed. Do Karma as a witness.

A hold on Indriyas liberates you from all bonds. Self-Control brings perfection and selflessness. You understand my philosophy first and reflect on it and meditate on it. Then you will know who I am.

Wisdom dawns on you though the power of perception and comprehension. Then this power evolves into Supreme refuge. Transformation comes through selfless thoughts and philosophical strength.

Preach my philosophy to fellow devotees and advise them to follow it.

Karma done with good intention, frees you from attachments and sins. Karma done with non-attachment results in purification of mind. Purification of the minds leads to knowledge of the Aatma.

By attaining knowledge of the Aatma, one gets salvation. Merge your mind into me. It is foolishness to think that I am far away. I am in your body. Search for me as the self- the Aatma.

Those who practise to chant my name at all times, get divine qualities. Whoever chants my name at the time of death, will get my form. Those who worship me throughout their lives with My image- Ruupam in them, will get salvation irrespective of the way they die.

Those who know My philosophy and worship me always, do not have rebirth. Those who understand my true self and always worship me with full faith and devotion will be endowed with 'Brahama Nirvahaka Sthithi'. Those who worship me, shedding bodily attachments, acquire my form.

There is no re-birth to those who follow the righteous path, behave well, learn my philosphy, become self-contented and get rid of all desires. Know that attachment and bondage are all in the mind.

Unattached Karma is very essential for spiritual practice. Conquer your mind with your mind itself.

Those who surrender to me and concentrate their minds on me, attain divine grace. To them, I reveal myself completely. There is no way for those who doubt me. If one wants to reach the goal of attaining salvation, one should hold on to me tightly.

Drop the desires of worldly pleasures; try to seek a joyous self instead. Do not think that salvation is elsewhere and comes from somewhere else- salvation is right here, and it comes from within.

Do not be elated by pleasures and depressed by hardships, but keep your mind and intellect firm in me. Attain spiritual powers; shed selfishness not only in thought but also in deeds; and also in money matters.

I am the cause of the creation, maintenance and destruction of the universe. I am all pervading. My power is mixed with the three qualities or Guunas. I am the three qualities, but they are not in me. Maaya or delusion does not affect those who take refuge in me and surrender to me.

Knowledge of the union with God relieves you from the effects of Karma. See me as the supreme goal. Then only shall I be fond of you. Think always of me with a single minded purpose. Then only will you attain the divine state. So, worship me at all times to attain the divine state.

Irrespective of the good or bad things happening in your life, keep complete faith in me. Faith gives you salvation. To reach me, peace is essential. Peace is attained by praying me always in mind. If you completely surrender to me, you shall be free from pleasures and pains.

Shirdi Sai Baba: For more teachings and the Gospel-

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