Saturday 21 February 2015

Tips For Training Your Child To Communicate With Adults

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you have a young child, you might have realized that when they talk to adults, they only give one-word answers and never look people in the eyes, and even though you might think that this is "just a stage," this is something that will carry over into their adult life. If you want to raise children who are able to communicate effectively with adults as they get older, you need to start working on training children who can communicate effectively with adults right now!

One-word answers: One of the biggest areas where children fail to communicate well with adults is in giving one-word answers, as questions that only require one-word answers lead children to feel it is natural for them to respond in that way. You should exercise your children at home in this area, asking them questions that can be answered with a "Yes" or "No," and reminding them that they are supposed to answer these questions using sentences - even though they could be answered in only one word!

Eye contact: When children are little, adults are unlikely to notice if the children do not look them in their eyes, but as children get older, this becomes a significant hole in a child's manners; remind you child that - when they have a conversation with an adult - they should be able to tell you afterward what color eyes the adult has.

Conversation: Your first focus will be to make sure your child is speaking to adults in sentences and looking adults in the eyes, so you will not be focusing on conversation early on; but as your children become more adept in these areas, "practice" with them at home in the area of "carrying on a conversation."

It might seem like your children are "too young" for any of this to apply to them, but it is better to start early, lest you end up with children who are much too old to still be missing eye contact and answering questions with only one word!

Friday 20 February 2015

How To Change The Way People Perceive You

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
All the time, people are admonished to not worry about what others think of them - sometimes even being told that when you worry about what people think of you, you set yourself up for failure; but at the same time, there is a flip side to this coin, and while it is true that you can set yourself up for failure when you worry too much about what others think of you, it is also true that you can set yourself up for failure by not caring what others think of you! There will be instances all throughout your life wherein you will need to depend on the benevolence or the good graces of others, and if these "others" perceive you as someone they do not want to help, they will be unlikely to extend a hand; this means that being acutely aware of how people perceive you is important, and knowing how to change the way people perceive you is just as important as well!

Although it is a bit cliche, it is also poignantly true that first impressions are important, as the way someone perceives you when they first meet you will often carry over into the way they will continue to perceive you; first impressions are largely about how you carry yourself, so learn how to carry yourself with confidence, but also with an approachable and friendly (nonjudgmental!) demeanor.

Of course, you will also come across people in your life for whom you have already made a first impression - a negative first impression; for such people, pay attention to the things they "perceive" about you that cause them to react to you the way they do, and while these things might sometimes simply be things about your personality that causes you and this person to not quite mesh, you will find many other times that these things are things you are absolutely capable of changing and "fixing."

And of course, it is true that the way others perceive you is not nearly as important as the way you perceive yourself - so continue to be true to yourself, and realize that, in the long run, good things will follow.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Three Places To Visit In Plymouth Massachusetts

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
The town of Plymouth, Massachusetts, of course, is best known as the place where the Pilgrims first landed in the Mayflower in 1620, but in recent years it has become a coveted tourist destination. The quiet beaches and the rich history both make it a great place to visit. There are plenty of beach houses for rent every summer, and these beach houses can be rented for even less in the winter if you need a quiet place to stay for a few months! Perhaps you are planning a trip to Plymouth already; if you are, these are three places you need to make sure you visit.

Plimoth Plantation: Plimoth Plantation is a recreation of the Pilgrim's original settlement. When you go, you will be able to see life the way the Pilgrims lived it, complete with women churning butter and men farming and a church that has a trap door in the back that leads to a cannon upstairs, in case of invasion. You can interact with the "inhabitants" of Plimoth Plantation - a cast made up of wonderful actors and actresses - and you can even visit the local Indian settlement. Unlike those who "live" in Plimoth Plantation, these Indians are not actors at all; they are actual Indians who have continued to follow the customs of their ancestors, and these Indians allow the visitors to interact with them and learn from them.

Plymouth Rock: This is the rock on which the Pilgrims are said to have originally landed. You can view the rock and take pictures of it in the enclosure where it now rests. This rock signifies the birth of America, and you are sure to feel the historical significance of it when you look upon it.

Mayflower II: This recreation of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to America set sail from Devon, England in 1957, traveling for 55 days before landing in Plymouth Harbor. This voyage was heralded as a great historic re-imagining of the original journey that began America, and the Mayflower II - built to resemble the original Mayflower in every way - is now moored at State Pier in Plymouth. It is open to guests and visitors.

Make sure you make time to visit these wonderful, historic landmarks during your trip to Plymouth; after all, you will need more to do than just enjoy the quiet of the beach and the charm of the New England coastline!

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Exploring The Things You Need For A Delicious Homemade Pizza

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
It can get boring to make the same meals over and over again at home, but a couple of the main reasons why people will tend to do this is that they do not know how to make some of the meals they would like to make, and they do not know if these meals will turn out well even if they try them; one of the big things that fits this description for many people is homemade pizza, as people tend to think that this would be a fun and delicious treat to make - if only they knew how to make it!

Pizza is not at all a difficult dish to make, and with a good pizza recipe book in hand, you will see just how true this is; of course, some people decide to just go to the Internet - searching "pizza recipes" - instead of getting a pizza recipe book, but once you invest just a few dollars in a pizza recipe book, you will see how many terrific strategies and ideas are within those pages, and how much this will help you in your quest to make a homemade pizza that will be worth making again.

After you have invested in a pizza recipe book, you will need to make sure you have all the necessary ingredients for making a pizza; of course, this includes the basic ingredients such as flour, yeast, sauce, cheese, but after you have looked through the recipe book and figured out what kind of pizza you want to make, you will also need to pick up these ingredients - and you may even want to try some special things with the crust to make it even tastier, such as garlic or green onions!

And in order to cook your pizza so that it is truly as delicious as you want it to be, you will not want to just toss it on a cookie sheet and throw it in the oven, but instead, you will want a good pizza stone on which you can cook your pizzas. It might seem like a good pizza stone is not really worth the money, but once you consider the fact that a pizza stone will last you years and years - and once you taste the difference a good pizza stone makes - you will realize just how good of a purchase a pizza stone was!

Tuesday 17 February 2015

About Raising Oscars

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
A lot of people see a flashy looking oscar and think it would make an awesome addition to their small tank. What people don’t understand is that these fish get very big and although their tank size is listed at ten gallons they will outgrow this in short order. It is most common to setup a single oscar to live in a 90 to 100 gallon tank. If you plan on having three Oscars (two Oscars are typically not a good idea) you will need closer to a 150 to 200 gallon tank.

As a tropical fish, they prefer water temperatures in the mid 70s, making water heaters a must. How many   you need will depend on the size of tank.

You may have to purchase two heaters to get the temperature correct. A nicer canister filter might also be required due to the size of tank. The hang on back filters will not do it for an oscar. They are both a messy eater and a very dirty fish. It is much better to over filter their tank then under filtering. Plan on getting a filter that is rated for a 150 gallon tank or higher and putting it into your 100 gallon tank. It is ideal to have a good biological filter going for your oscar.

Oscars typically prefer rock or drift wood decorations over plastic plants or even real plants. Oscars seem to like to rearrage plants if they are able to move them so either a bare tank or a tank filled with things they can’t move may work best. When possible go with a fine rock substrate over the larger washed river stone. This is because Oscars do enjoy being able to move their tank bottoms around as they wish.

If you are considering purchasing an oscar, it would be highly recommended to do some research on them as there are a few things that are a bit unique to this cichlid. A great book to consider is Aquarium Care of Oscars It is really important to know what you are doing with this fish because you want them to have a quality life, as they have been know to live for over ten years.

Monday 16 February 2015

Teaching Creative Writing To Middle School Students

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
It is easier to teach creative writing to a group of high school students than to a group of middle school students, but as businesses are putting more and more emphasis on the importance of writing, it is becoming increasingly important for children to start learning about writing from an early age. If you are either the parent of a middle school child or a teacher in charge of lots of middle schoolers, you can give each student a leg up on the future by teaching them basic creative writing skills and exercises at this early stage.

As you prepare the creative writing lessons you plan to teach, you should make sure you are including a lot of writing assignments, as the best way for each student to learn about creative writing will be through the process of actually writing. As you plan these lessons, you should divide them into a pair of categories: One category should be assignments that will help your students "loosen up," by being creative and having fun, and other category should be assignments that encourage your students to "tighten up," as you have them pay closer attention to the technicalities of the writing.

Eventually, you will want to begin combining the two types of lessons into one, grading your students (or gauging their progress) based on both their creativity and their ability to adhere to basic writing rules; also, if you are teaching your students other things at the same time you are teaching them creative writing, you can combine creative writing principles with projects for other subjects!

Finally, the most important thing of all is for creative writing to feel like "fun" instead of feeling like "work"; you can accomplish this in a number of ways, but a couple things to consider is changing the setup of the room completely when you are going to be doing creative writing, and to participate in the assignments yourself, so your students can see what you come up with!

When you put all these elements together, you will be able to train your students in the basics of creative writing, and in this way you will be laying a foundation for your students or child to have success in their future in both school and business!

Sunday 15 February 2015

You Can Grow Your Own Apple Trees!

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
You can definately reap the benefits of growing apples in your backyard. Nothing screams autum bliss more then a ripe fresh apple from your own apple tree. It only takes just enough land to put two apple trees on to begin to enjoy apples.

The first thing you should do before you decide to grow apples is to get a good book for beginners such as The Backyard Orchardist . You will need to learn a bit about your soil, how to amend it properly, and how to prepare it for your apple trees. You will need to decide where the best place to put your trees will be and also what cultivar of tree to consider purchasing.

The state horticulture extention office associated with your states university system is one of the best resources for finding out what apple trees grow the best in your area. Plan on purchasing two different types of apple trees because they must cross pollinate to produce fruit. You should also consider how disease resistance the apple trees you are buying are. Remember the more disease resistant the less chemicals you will have to use on your plants.

Next you will need to decide what size of tree to get. Smaller types of apple trees are easy to harves with a fruit picker basket. Some full size trees are very hard to harvest apples from even with a ladder because they get so tall.

You must also learn how to properly prune your apple trees over time. By properly pruning your tree you are encoraging healthy growth and also increased apple size. Tools such as pruners and loppers can be good starting tools to get for pruning. Pruning will ultimately assist in helping your trees fruit production and your trees over all health.

Apple trees are actually pretty easy to keep up with. There are some types of apples that begin to set fruit just a few years after they are planted in your yard.