Saturday 16 November 2013

Shirdi Sai Baba- The Gospel -1

Shirdi Sai Baba- The Gospel -1

Shirdi Sai Baba's teachings have been innumerable. But He had complained more than once that His philosophy had not been propagated properly. 

I am trying to propagate the Great Master's philosophy through a series of videos. I humbly seek the blessings and co-operation of all Sai Devotees. 

Here is the first Video in the series:

Gospel of Shirdi Sai Baba- 1

The transcript of the video is given below:

The Gospel of Shirdi Sai Baba - 1

I am a witness like the sun. I am neither detached nor attached to anyone. Man reaps what he sows according to his thoughts, words and deeds. This is the divine law that applies to all. But I bless all my children who always chant my name.

Know that I am within you always. There is never a moment of time when I am absent or separate from you. You worship me with pure speech, mind and body.

Meditation is essential to attain the light of wisdom. Keep your mind always on me. Then it gets stabilized. 

One definitely has to reap one's own deeds. Results of past Karmas are reaped here. Sincere repentance lessens the effects of Karma. There is nothing like repentance to lessen its impact. The visits to holy places and bath in holy rivers reduce some more Karma. Visits to Tombs of Holy people reduces the effects of more bad Karma. These are places sanctified by their movements. 

Visits to the tombs and holy places will give complete Self Realization. Do not doubt that the holy people who attained Self Realization cannot give you Illumination. 

Conceive the whole movable and immovable world as my form and worship the whole. He who worships like this becomes equal to me. 

When you attain spiritual power, you will attain, the "Seven Powers" in all your actions. You will be powerful to handle all affairs. 

Mind that holds on to matters binds you. Mind wavers. To attain stability of mind, spiritual strength and knowledge of the Self are required. 

Liberation, Moksha, Salvation means nothing but winning over egoism. Seek Self realization, realization of one's own self. Plead God for self purification. Knowledge dawns only in a purified mind. 

Control the mind. Mind gets controlled only when breath gets controlled. Then you will have my darshan, my vision. 

Do your allotted duties always without aspiring for the results. Keep your mind free from likes and dislikes. Purity of mind is attained through Karmas done without seeking the results. Grief and hardships are caused not by Karmas but by attachments to the bonds of passions. 

Get rid of selfishness. Don't be fond of the body which leads one to ego. Do not let selfish thoughts and passions come near you. If you are free of them, you can do any karma even while you are in this world. This is dispassion- Vairagya.

Dispassion is nothing but being unselfish in mind and thought. Do not be fond of the body, but do not neglect it. What is done in total control of the body and of the mind, is Virakthi- Detachment. That is dispassion. 

Dispassion can be attained through determination and will power. Surrender all that is yours to God. Such devotion will give you tranquility of mind;  the power of total peace.

Do not force unwilling people to do anything.

For more teachings and Gospel of Shridi Sai Baba, visit:

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