Saturday 17 May 2014

Coming Up With Good Story Ideas

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
The idea of being a writer holds great appeal for a lot of people - either because they have been strongly influenced by literature in their own life, or even just because they think it would be great to sit at home all day and write - but once people begin writing, one thing they often discover is that it is not quite as easy as they thought it would be to come up with story ideas on a consistent basis; there is, of course, no magic key that will help you come up with great story ideas (if there were, we would have a lot more successful writers than we have!), but there are a few things you can keep in mind to help yourself come up with great story ideas.

If you look at most of the good books you have enjoyed reading (or even at most of the good short stories that have thrilled you), you will find that one thing most good stories have in common is good characters; because of this, you should make sure you are spending enough time around people that you get to know and understand them - and, you should start figuring out what helps you to develop good, believable characters!

As you learn to come up with good characters, and to build your stories around these good characters, another thing you should start looking for is story ideas that are unique and original; when you look at books in the bookstore, you will find that there are a lot of books that have the same general concepts, but what you do not see is that for every one of these books on the shelf, there are thousands of similar books that did not get published.  Instead of writing books that are similar to what everyone else is writing - trying to get your work noticed amidst the noise of all the others - this will help you to increase your chances of success (both as far as publication goes, and as far as readership goes), as you come up with ideas that are unique and original.

And along the same lines as trying to develop unique and original story ideas is the fact that you need to be fearless; rather than worrying about failure, be willing to try new things, and keep chasing success until you finally succeed!

Friday 16 May 2014

How To Cut Your Own Hair

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
It is not unusual for people to try to cut their own hair, but this does not always mean that it is usually a good idea; while some people are able to successfully cut their hair with no problems at all, others find that this is not the case for them - or, at least, they find that they are going to need a lot more practice before they can cut their own hair well! Regardless of whether you are thinking about simply giving your hair a trim in a few areas or chopping a good portion of it off, you should be able to find success in cutting your own hair - as long as you make sure you are keeping these simple suggestions in the front of your mind!

First off, you need to start with a plan; too many people try to cut their hair by simply picking up the scissors and getting started, but when you do this, you are far more likely to end up with a hack job that you have to cover up for a couple months - and of course, it is far better to have a plan that you can try to execute!

Secondly, you need to realize that you can always cut your hair shorter, but you cannot make your hair longer, so even though it will take you a bit longer when you take this approach, always make sure you are cutting your hair "too long," and are slowly trimming down from there.

And lastly, starting out simple will be extremely important; avoid any complicated haircuts when you are getting used to cutting your own hair, as it is not that difficult to give yourself a little trim - as long as you are not trying to do too much.

You should also realize that there will be times when you mess up your haircut badly enough that the best course of action to follow next is to simply go to a hairdresser and allow them to fix it - so make sure you will be willing to do this, or else you might end up with a hat on your head for the next three months!

Thursday 15 May 2014

How To Understand The Movie Seasons

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you are among those people who are really into movies, you probably take the time to watch trailers, and even read reviews, before you go to see a movie – which means that whenever you go to see a movie, you will be going with a pretty clear idea of what you will be seeing. If, on the other hand, you are more of a casual moviegoer, you may find yourself going to the theater every once in a while “just to see what is playing,” and if you do this, you may frequently find yourself surprised by what you're seeing, as you have no idea what is in theaters, or what you are actually sitting down to watch.

Although part of the fun includes the surprise as far as some people are concerned, others would like a bit more clarification on the movies they are seeing, without having to first watch the trailers or read the reviews. If you want to accomplish this, one of the best ways to do so is to understand the movie seasons. You have probably heard people use the term "summer blockbuster" at one time or another, but you may not have known what it meant; summer is usually when the big-budget movies, as well as lots of romantic comedies and children's movies, are released, as this is the time of year when most people are going to the movies – so if you are going to see a movie in the summer, you will likely find yourself watching something that falls into one of these categories.

If you appreciate movies that fall into the category of “art,” the end of the year is the best time for you to go see movies. A movie has to come out before the end of December in order for it to be considered for the Academy Awards, so if you see a movie in November, December, or January, you will probably see something with a smaller budget, but with better acting, and a better all-around script.

And while there are definitely exceptions to all of these, the beginning of the year – that is, February through April – is usually when movie studios release the movies that do not fall into either of the first two categories, which means you will get a lot of “throwaway” movies that you may not actually want to spend 2 hours watching!

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Tips For Reading As A Writer

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When you are trying to learn how to write, there are lots of different things you can do, and while many of these approaches are certainly beneficial, a lot of writers who are just starting out have a tendency to lunge toward writing courses or seminars, and they end up neglecting the most important thing of all for a writer, which is reading! Of course, you can pick up tips on writing from any book you read, because each book will show you things you might not have thought of before, or will give you new ideas and insights - but beyond simply reading the way most people read, there are also a few specific things you can do in order to maximize the knowledge you gain from the books you read.

If you want to maximize the knowledge you gain from your reading, one thing to consider doing is to always read with a pen in hand; each reader will find different things they will want to mark in a book, as there are certainly no "right" or "wrong" things to mark, but realize that you are reading to learn as much as you are reading for pleasure, and you should mark the things in the book that stand out to you.

If you are wanting to become an author someday, it will also be important for you to read as many different types of books as you can; while some people automatically think of "genre" when they read this, this point also stretches to reading books designed for different age ranges, books from different periods, and even books that are shabby in addition to the good ones!

Finally, you need to make sure you give yourself time to think - or to "digest" - the books you have read, either while you are reading or when you finish; too many readers try to rush through each book to get to the next, but as a writer, it will be necessary for you to learn to spend some time sitting quietly and thinking. And when you start to put all these things together, you will find that your reading is doing more than just providing enjoyment and entertainment; it will give you some training as well!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Information about Different Dog Collars

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Most dog owners wish to have a dog that heals nicely beside their leg. Many people don’t know that different collars will work differently when walking a dog, and there are some differences in how exactly to use the collars correctly. There are generally five types of collars you can choose from such as prong, gentle leaders, harnesses, chokers, and e-collars.

Choke collars are most common to be used for training a dog.

These collars should not be used to continually choke your dog. The correction comes from quick pop motions to bring the dogs attention to you. These collars are made from a wide range of materials including rope, chain, or a flat collar. Most dogs will respond very well to these types of collars if used correctly.

However some dogs require a bit stronger cue, this is where a prong collar can come in handy. The prongs are supposed to simulate a bite from another pack member. It should not be done hard enough to damage their neck or break the skin. It should be placed snug around the dogs neck, make sure you use a very small amount of correction when using it.

The strongest option is the e-collar (hunting training collar). These collars have a variety of settings from a simple vibration to an actual electrical shock. These are a good option for those with dogs who don't respect a choke or prong collar. Hunters commonly use these types of collars to train dogs which are off the leash. These types of collars can also be used for obedience training. Make sure to consult with a dog trainer before taking that option.

The Gentle Leader and the Easy walk dog harness are two non traditional options. Both of these work on the idea that if the dog is not healing to your side if you stop, their body or their head will turn to look at you with either of these options. In order for the dog to continue to walk forward without the pull they have to stay at your side. These techniques take patience and you have to learn how to use each harness correctly. They don't work as a traditional collar would.

Before choosing a collar for your dog you should be aware of your options. Don’t be afraid to give different collars a try. What works well for one dog may not work for another. It is also beneficial to take your dog to a obedience class to learn to correctly use your collar of choice.

Monday 12 May 2014

What Foods Should I Pack For Backpacking?

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When you go backpacking, one of the toughest things to know is how much food to bring, and what food to bring - after all, you will want to pack as light as possible, but as you hike, you will also be burning through a whole bunch of calories! Because of this, one of the most important things to know is how many calories you are getting per ounce of food - as you will want foods that have a high balance of calories per ounce.

GORP: Gorp ("Good ol' raisins & peanuts") is a mainstay in the backpacker's diet, as it is inexpensive, tasty, easy to eat as you walk, and (of course) is high in calories! You can purchase your own "ingredients" and mix it yourself, and you can add such special treats to yours as dried mango, dried apricots, dried dragon fruits, and any other unsweetened nuts that might taste good.

Peanut butter: Peanut butter is inexpensive, easy to pack, and high in calories; this makes peanut butter a great trail food, and the only consideration will be whether you are able to eat peanut butter straight, or whether you are the kind of person who needs something to put their peanut butter on.

Energy bars: Energy bars can be either excellent for backpacking or poor for backpacking, depending on what you buy; you should be looking for energy bars that pack about 115 to 125 calories per ounce, and even though this means you will be paying more for your energy bars, it will be worth the cost for the benefits you receive.

Grains: Finally, you should be able to get some grains from cereal and cereal bars - and grains will also be important when you are out there hiking along the trail. Of course, make sure you know how many calories you are getting, so that you can ensure you are consuming as much energy as possible for the lowest possible weight.

When you pack for your backpacking adventure, remember that you certainly want to pack light - but it is even more important that you make sure you are getting the nutrition and energy you need!

Sunday 11 May 2014

Three Highlights Of Florence, Italy

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Many people dream of someday taking a vacation to Italy. Maybe they want to pick a city and stay there for a week, but more than likely, such a vacation will entail a couple days here, a couple days there. After all, the dream might be to not only visit Italy once, but to come back again and again; the reality, however, might be that one trip is all these travelers will have, and they want to make sure they see everything they can while they are there. If you are fortunate enough to take a trip to Italy, spending a few days here and a few days there, it is likely that Florence will be one of the cities on your agenda. If you do visit Florence, here are three places to make sure you see, even if your time there is limited!

1) Piazza della Signoria: This is still the political hub of the city, but long ago it was the focal point of both the origin and the history of the Florentine Republic. It is known for its rich history and its immense beauty, which includes several famous and beautiful buildings such as the Palazzo Vecchio, the Loggia dei Lanzi, and the Pallazo Ugoccioni. You will also find the Fountain of Neptune - which was built in 1575 by Bartolomeo Ammannati - and you will find a recreation of Michelangelo's statue "David."

2) Brancacci Chapel: The mural of this chapel has a long and storied history, beginning in 1424 with Masolino da Panicale, being passed to Masaccio in 1425, and - after Masaccio's mysterious death at the age of 26, in 1428 - being taken up by Fillpino Lippi; the mural was finally completed by Lippi's son in 1485, nearly six decades later.

3) Santa Croce: This famous church also holds the bodies of some of Italy's most famous and illustrious thinkers, including Michelangelo, Galileo, and Machiavelli. This church is the largest Franciscan church in all the world, and frescoes painted by Giotti and his pupils adorn the sixteen beautiful chapels. This church is truly a breathtaking sight, and is a mastery of craftsmanship that you will remember seeing forever.

Although your time might be limited when you finally make it to Italy - as you spend only a day or two in each city - you now know some of the best sights to see in Florence, and you will be sure to make your trip a success.