Friday 29 May 2015

What Time Of Day Should I Do My Writing?

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you have begun to experiment with doing a bit of fiction writing, you have probably started to dream of a time in your life when you can wake up in the morning, write as much as you want, and make a living doing exactly this! But while every year brings new writers to the shelves of bookstores - writers who have achieved this dream - each person who has accomplished this dream did not begin by making money off their writing; they began by making money in another way, and by fitting in their writing whenever they could! You will need an immense amount of discipline in order to write a first novel while also working a full-time job, but if you can have this discipline and can figure out the best time of day to write, the rewards in the future can be entirely worth it.

Most writers through the ages have found that the best time for them to write is first thing in the morning, when their mind is most clear and their attention is most focused; of course, this can be difficult when you need to leave for your regular job at 7 in the morning, but if this turns out to be the best time of day for you, it will be worth getting one or two fewer hours of sleep.

Of course, you are likely to get a little less sleep once you add writing to your schedule - no matter what time of day you choose - and this is even the case if you decide to do your writing at night. While it can often be more difficult to focus fully on your story when you already have a full day's worth of thoughts bouncing around in your brain, nighttime writing does work for some people - and it just might work for you!

Finally, there are some people (not many, but a few!) who find that writing in small bursts throughout the day works for them; it does not matter which of these methods works for you, so much as it matters that you find the one that works, and that you are persistent and consistent in your writing until success comes at last!

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