Monday 25 May 2015

Tips For Catching A Break In The Music Business

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you enjoy playing music simply for fun, you can get enjoyment out of music just about anytime and anyplace you want, but if you are truly passionate about music and are hoping to break into the music industry, it can be a bit more difficult to get complete enjoyment out of music, as it can be quite difficult to break into the music scene! Although there is certainly no magic elixir that will automatically help you to break into the music industry, there are a few things you can consider doing to increase your chances of making a career in music if it is something you are truly passionate about.

You have probably heard plenty of people say that it is better to be lucky than good, and while this might be true, it is even better to be both lucky and good; in order to break into the music business, you have to make sure you are practicing all the time so that when that “lucky opportunity” comes your way, you will be ready to seize it.

It will also be important that you are able to get your face and your name out there, and the best way to do this is to play as many shows as you possibly can; of course, this will put you in a position where you are sometimes playing shows that are not all that glamorous, but it will be worth it in the long run as you will continue to get more experience and will continue to add more people who know your name and your music.

And even though it is much easier to find a comfort zone and simply stick with it, it will do you a lot more good if you continue to put yourself in challenging situations; hang out around musicians who are better than you, or spend time in a city with a very competitive music scene, and you will find that this is forcing you to always get better – increasing your chances of someday getting that “lucky break,” and making a career in music!

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