Wednesday 27 May 2015

Adding A Yellow Tang To Your Saltwater Tank

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....

One of the things you will natually have a desire to do, if you have a saltwater tank, is add brightly colored fish. One of the fish at the top of this list - a favorite of many saltwater enthusiasts - is the yellow tang. Before you decide to add this splash of color to your tank and rush out to purchase a yellow tang, however, you need to make sure they will be a good fish for your tank.

One of the main considerations to keep in mind about the yellow tang is the fact that they are partial to plants. Your live plants may not survive very long if you put a yellow tang in with them, so you may want to think twice before putting the two in a tank together.

You should also keep in mind the fact that the yellow tang typically grows to about six to eight inches. Because of this, you need a tank that accommodates its size; 75 gallons will work, but optimally, you want 100 gallons or more. If you have a 55 gallon tank, it may look like a big tank to you; but remember, these fish need room to roam. They can be reef safe and good tankmates, but if they do not have enough room all this can go out the window.

As for keeping your yellow tang with other fish, they usually do just fine as long as the other fish in your tank are close to the same size as them. The yellow tang is, however, a semi-agressive fish, and they will not take kindly to a bunch of smaller fish taking up their space.

Finally, it should be noted that these fish require temperatures between 72 and 78 degrees, which can differ from other fish who require slightly higher temperatures. Another thing to keep in mind when deciding whether the yellow tang is right for your tank is the fact that they require salinity between 1.020 and 1.025.

The yellow tang is a fun, friendly fish as long as it is a good fit for your tank; do your research first, and you just might be able to make this colorful addition!

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