Thursday 12 March 2015

Using A Designated Area To Resolve Conflicts

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Although most workplaces use a certain conflict mediation and resolution process, very few people institute a similar process in their own home. Businesses use such processes because, quite simply, they work, enabling people to resolve their conflicts in a thorough and effective manner. If you have a home life that includes plenty of conflict, you should consider borrowing a page from these companies; establish a conflict resolution process of your own. When laying the ground rules for conflict resolution in your home, one of the most important things is having a designated conflict resolution area.

If you are trying to find a way to work out conflicts with your husband or wife, you should not designate the bedroom as your conflict resolution area, as the bedroom should be safe and loving. If you are resolving conflicts with one of your children, on the other hand, using their bedroom is a good idea, as they will feel safe in their bedroom and will be better able to open up to you.

After you have established what the conflict resolution area will be, you need to make sure that the ground rules for conflict resolution are well established. For instance, the use of a "speaking device" can be helpful in ensuring that each person has an opportunity to talk. For instance, if one of the people - or both of the people, for that matter - has a tendency to interrupt, you can use a "talking spoon" that designates whose turn it is to speak; this will create a much safer environment for the conversation, as each person can speak without fear of interruption.

You should always approach conflict resolution by consensus, with each person knowing that you are about to discuss a problem and try to work it out. And unless you have a massive house with extra rooms in it, it is likely that your conflict resolution area doubles as a living room or dining room. Make sure, then, that it is properly established between both parties that the area is being used for conflict resolution at the time!

Resolving conflicts at home is not always easy, but it is always important; when you designate a conflict resolution area in your home, resolving conflicts becomes a whole lot easier.

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