Tuesday 10 March 2015

The Benefits Of Netflix

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Why do people use Netflix? After all, it seems like people talk about Netflix all the time, right? But no one really explains why they think it is so stinking great. For instance, what makes Netflix better than a regular video store? Why use Netflix over Red Box? After all, Red Box is pretty easy, and it is not very expensive.

Well, actually, there are a number of reasons why Netflix is so popular. Here is a small sampling of reasons why Netflix is so wonderful.

First of all, Netflix has a larger selection than any stand-alone video store could possibly offer. Because Netflix operates by mail, it is not restricted by the storage capacities that plague stand-alone stores; from Netflix, you can rent that old movie the video store no longer carries, or you can even rent that obscure movie the video store never carried.

Secondly, Netflix is very affordable, especially when compared to some of the other options. For only $10 a month, Netflix allows you to exchange movies back and forth as often as you want, and also allows you endless online viewing. Of course, one negative of Netflix is that if you decide on the spur of the moment that you want to watch a particular movie, and if this movie is not offered as a "Play Now" online option, you will have to wait a day for Netflix to mail it to you. But compared to the alternative option - paying somewhere between $3 and $5 for every movie you rent - this minor inconvenience is made up for by the low cost of Netflix.

Thirdly, you have hundreds of options at your disposal for immediate viewing with the "Play Now" option. Netflix offers feature movies, lots of television shows, and a whole score of documentaries among their "Play Now" options, and they rotate these options all the time, so there is always something new to watch. With Netflix, you can choose from thousands of DVDs to have mailed to you and hundreds of choices for "Play Now," which you can watch any time you want.

While there is the minor inconvenience factor of Netflix, there are so many positive features of the service, these inconveniences tend to be dwarfed in comparison.

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