Tuesday 16 September 2014

Taking A Look At Unusual Uses For Vaseline

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
It seems as though at least one small tub of Vaseline is sitting somewhere in each family's home, but despite the fact that Vaseline has a place in every person’s home, many people do not know all the beneficial ways in which they can use Vaseline in everyday life.

One of the most interesting ways in which Vaseline can be used is as conditioner for eyelashes; while many people spend a good deal of money trying to improve the way their eyelashes look, a little dab of Vaseline on the eyelashes before bed each night will help the eyelashes to grow long and healthy.

Vaseline can also be used as a makeup remover – especially for eye makeup; unlike other forms of eye makeup remover that are not only more expensive than Vaseline, but are also sometimes harsh on the skin, Vaseline will work great while also being lighter on your wallet and less harsh on your skin.

Vaseline can be used in place of lip balm in order to heal and prevent chapped lips, and when Vaseline is added to ornamental lip gloss, this will both help the lip gloss to last longer and help it to be a lot more useful for your lips.

As far as "strange, unusual uses for Vaseline," one of the strangest of all (at least, one of the uses that feels the most funny) is using it as a way to prevent blisters on your feet; if you are going to be playing sports, skiing, hiking, walking long distances, or jogging long distances (pretty much, if you are going to be doing anything that might give you blisters on your feet!), you can prevent this from happening by covering your feet in a thin layer of Vaseline before slipping on your socks.

With this knowledge in hand, you will be able to get the most out of that tub of Vaseline that is hidden in one of your bathrooms – using it in more unconventional ways that are nevertheless effective.

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