Wednesday 17 September 2014


Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Are you familiar with what to do if someone is suffering from a stroke? Stokes are incredibly life threatening, and anyone suffering from one should be seem by a medical professional as quickly as possible. They can be caused by a number of issues such as blockage of arteries in the brian or even an aneurism. Ultimately the brain is robbed of oxygen and brain cells begin to die. The faster a person can get medical attention the better it is for them.

Some common symptoms include, the inability to raise their hands above their head, zoning out, slurred speach, bured or impared vision, headaches. If you see anyone who is suffering these symptoms make sure to contact 911 immediately and do your best to keep them seated protecting them from falling down. Most stores keep first aid kits around if possible track one down and find a breathing barrier if you are familiar with CPR. It is possible that they may need breathing assistance.

Though the effects from strokes can be life long, the damage can be minimized with proper medical attention. Depending on the location of the stroke, will dictate what damage is done, and how visible the effects will be. Some people loose strength in their arms and legs while others may have speech problems. The bad news is that once they have experienced damage to the brain, they most likely will never fully recover. The likelyhood of lasting problems is high especially after a major stroke.

Stroke prevention is extremely important. Trying to keep a healthy blood pressure, weight management, not smoking are but a few key factors to helping reduce the risks of stroke.

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