Wednesday 30 April 2014

Tips For Learning How To Ski Without Lessons

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you have ever had a desire to go skiing (or if you have friends who have a desire for you to go skiing!), but you have never learned how to ski, it can be a bit intimidating to get out there on the mountain; of course, one option is to spend half the day taking lessons, but another option is to hit the slopes and learn as you go - and as long as you know a few of the basics before you go out there and have a friend who can help you along, you should have no trouble getting your ski legs under you!

Firstly, you need to be aware of the fact that skiing is a lot more dangerous if you are tense and nervous than it will be if you simply relax and are willing to go with the mountain; once you have this idea in mind, you should start out by heading up the "bunny slope" for a few safe practice runs - and as you go down the mountain, put your skis in a wedge shape, and use pressure on your feet to practice turning from one side to the other and to practice slowing yourself down.

Once you have gone down the mountain with the wedge a few times, and have gotten comfortable directing your skis with the pressure you put on them, you will be ready to try a real run; you should continue using the wedge to get a feel for this more serious part of the mountain at first, but once you realize that this part of the mountain is really not so different from what you have been doing, you will be ready to start trying to ski for real. Using the same technique you were using before - putting pressure on one foot and then on the other to direct yourself and to monitor your speed - try keeping your skis parallel to one another; you will want to relax your body and relax your legs, leaning back against your boots as if you are leaning against a wall, as you cut long, wide swaths back and forth across the mountain, making your way slowly down.


And as you get even more comfortable with this, you can gradually expand what you are doing, pointing yourself down the mountain more than sideways across it, and continuing to relax and have fun until you finally have this whole "skiing thing" all taken care of!

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