Monday 28 April 2014

Gaining New Readers As A Writer

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When you are trying to find success for yourself as a writer, one of the most important things for you to do (in fact, one of the most essential things for you to do!) is to be able to build a readership – finding people who will be loyal to you as a writer, and who will both purchase your book and tell others to purchase your book whenever it comes out. Before the internet changed he way people communicate, writers had to rely on old-fashioned word of mouth in order to get the word out about their book, but nowadays, word of mouth can spread through a lot of different avenues, and making inroads in these avenues will be a big part of finding success as a writer.

Twitter is an excellent tool for you if you are wanting to connect and "interact" with readers; if you set up a Twitter account that focuses on writing (and writing-related issues and ideas), you will be able to connect with many others who have similar interests, and many of these same people may become loyal followers of yours.

Running a blog takes a little bit more time than using Twitter, but if you take the time and effort to put together a good blog – something that is informative, engaging, and entertaining – it will also be more effective than if you were to simply use Twitter.

Another great way for you to start building an audience for your writing is through Goodreads; Goodreads is a social networking site with books at the center, and as you connect with other readers whose interests are similar to yours, you will also begin to stumble upon readers who are interested in reading your work.

If you take these steps toward building a readership long before you ever have a book that you are trying to sell, you will already have the readers in place when it comes time to release your book to the world – and you will reap the benefits of these seeds you have sown, as it will be much easier for you to land a publishing deal, and it will be much easier to sell copies of your book as well!

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