Sunday 17 November 2013

The Gospel of Shirdi Sai Baba- Video- Part-3

The Gospel of Shirdi Sai Baba- Video- Part-3

The Gospel of Shirdi Sai Baba- Part-3

The Gospel of Shirdi Sai Baba - 3

Transcript of the Video

Let your discriminating faculty of Buddhi or intelligence not fall into complications. Do not aspire for anything. Strengthen your intelligence or discriminating ability; then only your ability to do spiritual practices in a stable way increases. When the vision on the goal gets stabilized, you get the power to do spiritual practices - Sadhana. Stabilize the intellect which helps you to be with the Aatma or the self.

Worship me always at all times, and I shall present you with divinity. Try to cut yourself off from worldly ties. Have total control on the senses, but know that this is not an easy task. 

Control of the senses cannot be attained by fasting. Fasting really means, fasting of the food to the senses. It does not mean stopping feeding the body.

Do continuous practice to be in the state of bliss. That gets you rid of the sorrows. Drop all your desires and you will attain an encompassing peace.

Worship me with determination. I am the giver of the fruits of all your deeds. Learn that I am beyond old age and death. Those who worship me with one-pointed devotion, will attain the Supreme State of the Union with the God Head. 

Those who are devoted to me with pure heart, merge in me after death. Pooja, Bhajana or archana without concentration is useless. He who worships me with a firm mind and concentration will get his mind concentrated and attain the supreme state. 

Those who do service without expecting any rewards, and do the repetition of my name will attain Moksha or liberation.

Those who propagate my philosophy are nearer to me. You will get divine blessings if you continue to propagate my philosophy. You will also get blessings if you visit holy places.

Those who concentrate their minds on me, will attain the supreme state. Karma done without selfish motives is pure. Karma done with total clarity of mind on me does not bring attachments. 

The chanting of my name fulfills all your desires.  Whoever concentrates, meditates and lose themselves into me, are saved by me even if they are in the face of death. This is my promise.

Have intense faith in me and stabilize it. Worship me with intense devotion and faith; I shall fulfill all your desires. You mistake me to be an ordinary person and you do not have the knowledge of my divine powers. This is your ignorance.

I bless my divine knowledge only to some people. Know that I am the eternal spirit, with no birth or death; I am the Paramathma.

I have the knowledge of the past, present and future of all. Everything is so obviously clear to me. You are in deep darkness. You should worship me with steady mind; you should take refuge in me. Then you can obtain divine knowledge.

Many are worshiping me only for getting their desires fulfilled. They do not have complete faith in me. This is a sign of their ignorance. Those who surrender to me completely and chant my name at the time of my death shall reach my state.

Not material but pure spirit, Sudha Chaitanyam  is the goal of human existence. It is the supreme goal of a human being. Try to brush aside sorrows. Nobody can relieve you of the results of your past karmas. I am the bestower of the fruits of the past karmas. The pleasures and pains one undergoes are in fact the results of one's own karma.

Think of me always. You are a wave raised out of me. I shall absolve you all very soon. Bind your hearts with pious thoughts and practice them. Think that all the devotees' hardships are mine. Know that your body is purely temporary.
I will bestow Supreme Knowledge to those who have singleness of purpose and utmost concentration; and to those who lose their entity in me, and pay utmost attention to my teachings.

This supreme knowledge absolves one of all sins and reveals what He or Aatman is; I will then get them attain that state of being or consciousness, that eternal state.

Give up selfishness in thoughts, words, deeds, differentiation and matters of finance. I will then bless such people with the divine state. And for such people with divine state, there would be no pains and grief of this materialistic world. Those who achieve unwavering firm mind, shall win over births and deaths of this world. They are liberated from the wheel of life and death.

Only those who have purity of mind can attain liberation. Practice to attain that state. Impure mind wavers. A pure mind is a stabilized mind. Be disinterested in the mundane pleasures of the world, and attain divine bliss. Try to acquire self control. Self control gives happiness and divine salvation.

I am immortal. The primary duty of my Avatar was to provide all my devotees all their requirements of this world and beyond. Chant my name whenever you get a feeling of egoism and pride.  Whoever takes refuge in me, in whatever fashion and worships me with selfless actions, get supreme peace. Do not waste your valuable time. 

A visit to Shirdi gives spiritual transformation. I help those who are under my shelter in all aspects.

Do not forget me at any time or in any situation. You shall then have everything good.

For more videos, teachings, quotes, pictures, photos and philosophy of Shirdi Sai Baba, please visit:

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