Friday 22 November 2013

Shed your Worries, I will Look after everything- The Gospel of Shirdi Sai Baba - 5

Video- Shed your Worries, I will Look after everything- The Gospel of Shirdi Sai Baba - 5


I shall be pleased with those who worship me leaving aside all their worries. Know that a human body is a temple of righteousness. Sorrows help us to analyze their root causes.  Sorrows help you to clearly understand the state of affairs of this world. That is why I am giving you one hardship after another.


If you patiently bear with them, you will get spiritual knowledge- Viveka. Pleasure or misery is an effect of the past actions- Prarabhdha. So practice to tolerate with patience miseries, for such tolerance qualifies you for divinity. Tolerate the pleasures and pains caused to Physical - Sthuula - and Ethereal bodies by the force of past actions, but keep the mind above both. Do not get mentally perturbed by miseries. Keep your mind still. Try to keep your mind at a higher plane of equanimity.

Lives of those who serve me shall be set right.  Do not continuously think about the worldly affairs and get your mind disturbed. Feel pains as pleasures. If you meditate on me always, all your affairs will end happily. Don't worry about the obstacles in your duties, and keep your mind unaffected. Do your duties with purity of action. 

Colours in Meditation

Your sorrows are your teachers. Try to wipe out your ignorance and passions. Ignorance is destroyed by wisdom. For this, the desires and the thoughts of the mind are to be understood. This will be known, when you observe highly bright colours during meditation, and see a form in that colour. The brightness of the colour equals to that of sun. The colour depends on your thoughts. Desire, anger etc. will have different colours.

By identifying the colour, you can know what what Guna - or predisposition, or quality is predominant in your mind at that time. If you do not get disturbed with these, the colours merge into one another and you can see the form clearly. Practice, to identify this.

If you conquer anger, avarice etc., you shall immerse in truth, knowledge and bliss- Sath- Chith- Ananda. The pleasures and comforts are for the physical body. Use them properly, do noble deeds and rise to a superior level of consciousness. Subsequently, you will have Ideal Knowledge and a purified mind.

Try to attain salvation for yourself. You not only attain it, but also help others to attain it. You will be trapped, if you give into the worldly tendencies, inclinations - Vaasanaas. All these are due to the mind. You reap the results in accordance with your thoughts and deeds.

You analyze yourself and try to know who "I" am. I give spiritual experience as per your saadhana, your spiritual practice. If your mind wavers, get deep and immerse in soul searching - Aatma Vichaara, and chant my name. Know what is AUM KAAR, PRANAVAM, then you will know who "I" am. 

Know the basic reason why you are born, then only will you know your true, SELF. If you develop firm devotion and faith in me, your mind will definitely be purified. Then egoism evaporates, sins are rooted out, and self-realization is attained. This is the state of Bliss- Aananda.

Then my name will always be in your mind. If you keep faith in me, you will be free from worldly worries. Lead your life in an exemplary way, shining with spirituality. This is my message.

I am omniscient. You are all worrying mentally; shed the worries- I will look after everything. This is my promise. Have peace of mind. Your hardships are mine. Be with me with unflinching devotion and faith and leave everything else to me.

Many among you have doubt as to how to change the in-born qualities and basic nature. If you do spiritual practices regularly, you can change them. Do your spiritual practice with concentration on me, so that you do not have bodily attachments, desires and passions. Drive away likes and dislikes. Don't grieve for anybody or anything, and don't be joyous.

Treat criticism and praise equally. Don't let the mind to waver, and keep away from greed and attachments. Be with the Self always, and be pleasant always. Do not entertain unnecessary discussions when you talk to others. If anyone argues with you, behave as if you were a blind, deaf and dumb person.

Do not harm any moving or non-moving being. Treat all creatures equally. Do not cajole or criticize anyone. Keep your senses always under control. Let no thought disturb your mind. Look into your inner self, and be rid of your bodily attachments. One should not have love for life and dislike for death. Keep the impulses of the mind under control. Do Saadhana- spiritual practices- for perfect peace, happiness and Sath - Chith - Aananda.

If you lead your life this way, you can change your in-born qualities. As you progress, you will become dispassionate, and then you will experience, detachment - Virakthi. Do steady Saadhana to attain this. Then you will realize that you are living only to re-deem and wipe out the results of your past actions -Prarabhdha Karma. Those who attain this, shall be unaffected by sorrows, worries and disturbances.

Many of you have the wrong impression that your difficulties are caused by me. I am giving these only to remove your Karma. I will always protect those who completely believe in me and surrender to me.

If you take complete refuge in me, your illusion and delusion - Maaya- dissolve like a cloud.

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