Wednesday 5 August 2015

Why Using A Real Travel Agent Might Be Right For You

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
The Internet has taken over a lot of aspects of our lives these days, and for some, the Internet has even taken over their job. In very few jobs is this as true as with travel agents, where their job has largely been replaced by such websites as Orbitz, Priceline, and Expedia, which book a customer's flight, ground transportation, and hotel, all in a matter of moments. But believe it or not, there is still a place for travel agents, and there is a chance that a travel agent might be just right for you.

1) Packages: Many travel agencies put together packages themselves, which can include anything from the basics to the whole shebang. For instance, you might find a package that is as simple as this: The travel agency books your roundtrip ticket to a resort where all your food and lodging is included in one flat price. On the other hand, a package might look like this: two nights in Athens, two nights in Crete, and three nights in Mykonos, with travel between each location arranged, with all lodging arranged, and even with tours arranged for you to be able to see everything you wish to see. Because these travel agencies book this exact trip frequently, they are able to get deals you would not be able to get if you booked it on your own, and they can take care of it all a whole lot quicker than you could yourself, even if you used an online travel website.

2) Knowledge: Travel agencies can tell you the best spots to visit, as well as the spots to avoid. After all, you certainly do not want to learn these things through trial and error, spending half your trip on things you wish you hadn't done. Even with extensive research, you are unlikely to find out more than you can find out from the travel agencies themselves, as these travel agencies deal with these places directly; furthermore, it is the job of these travel agencies to be knowledgeable!

3) That extra mile: By going that extra mile, going above and beyond what is expected of them, travel agencies are able to maintain their one true advantage over travel websites.

While you might find that a travel website is just right for the trip you are booking, make sure you consider your options; who knows - a travel agent just might be exactly what you need to make your trip a success.

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