Wednesday 15 July 2015

Tips For Publishing Your Novel

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Many people who have a desire to write a novel never end up taking any steps toward accomplishing this task, as they automatically assume that the task will be too daunting, and they therefore decide to simply leave it alone, but while publishing a novel is no small undertaking, the path you must follow in order to chase this goal is really quite clear, and can be broken down into three basic steps.

The writing: Of course, writing a novel is the first step to publishing a novel (after all, there will never be anything to publish if you never write it in the first place!), and when it comes to this step, the good news is that there is no "right" or "wrong" way to go about it; of course, some authors will tell you that there is a "right" way to write a novel, but if you asked a hundred different authors how they wrote their first novel, you would probably receive a hundred different answers, so write in whatever manner feels most natural to you, and see what happens as a result!

The editing: This step tends to trip the most people up, as they are so excited upon finishing their novel that they immediately jump to step three (assuming that the editors at their future publishing house will clean up everything for them!), but it will be important to realize that you are not the only person out there with a dream of publishing a novel, and in order to come out on top against all this competition, you will need to approach agents and publishers with a manuscript that is absolutely as polished as you can make it.

The querying: And once you have written and edited your novel, it will be time for you to release it to the world at last (at least, in a limited capacity!) by sending a query letter to agents and publishers. Realize that this is an extremely important step in the process - one that should not be taken lightly - as you will have one shot at these agents and publishers, so take the time (and invest a bit of money) to read up on exactly how to approach these professionals, and you just might be on your way to your first published novel!

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