Tuesday 14 July 2015

How to Use Your Laptop Longer Between Charges

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
In the computer age there has been no invention better than the laptop. Instead of being tethered to a computer that needed to be plugged in to an electrical socket, computer users could now work on their PCs from anywhere. In order for this to happen many technological enhancements were needed including batteries that were compact and small. The amount of computer usage that was available on each charge has always been the problem with many of these batteries.

The initial group of laptops that were released had batteries that left much to be desired. The users would have been lucky if they could get an hour of computer usage out of each charge. One would think that with the advances in technology since that time we would also have great laptop batteries. Many laptop batteries still have a very short life between charges and that is the reality of the situation. It seems as though the batteries in most technologies have greatly improved except for those in laptop computers.

Stock batteries that come in a laptop are really the only ones that this holds true for though. Longer computing times between charges for after market batteries that are sold are not uncommon. Instead of only being able to work for a few hours with each charge, some of these batteries offer up to 8 hours of battery life. An entire day can go by without having to plug a laptop into an outlet for charging. The extra expense is usually accepted by businessmen since this flexibility is worth it.

Charging a battery while on the go is not always a feasible task. This is why a long battery life can be so vital to many people who need their laptop throughout the work day. Replacing the basic battery that comes with their laptop upon purchase is the best way to double the amount of time it can be used. It is also very affordable and worth the extra expense when the added flexibility is considered.

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