Wednesday 10 June 2015

How Do I Know The Right Size House For Me?

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Anyone shopping for a new home can easily become overwhelmed or even discouraged by all the different choices. It might seem like so much goes into such a decision as 'Which house to buy,' but there are a few major ways you can narrow down the choices; first of all, figure out whether you plan to live in the house for a long time or a short time; figure out whether you plan to have kids in the house; figure out whether you will eventually look to add onto the house; once you have answered these questions, you can narrow down your choices even further by looking at a few specific items.

Some people skimp when it comes to bedrooms, but honestly, you should decide how many bedrooms you need even before you begin looking; and keep in mind, it never hurts to over-project how many bedrooms you need, and it can certainly hurt to under-project! If you are a young couple with no kids, or if you are single, and you do not plan on staying in the house permanently, one or two bedrooms should be all you need. If, on the other hand, you already have kids, or are planning to have kids, make sure you plan accordingly! It is far better to pay the extra money for a house with a couple extra bedrooms than to find yourself spending money down the road to add bedrooms on!

If you have ever had the misfortune of living in a house with too few bathrooms and too many people, you surely know how important bathrooms are! If you decide that you need three full baths, do not compromise and settle for a house with one or two full baths. If you are a family of five or six - or plan to be a family of five or six - think about what getting ready for the day will be like if everyone is sharing one full bathroom!

Finally, consider what size yard you want; again, this comes largely down to children, as a large yard can be a maintenance headache. The headache of a large yard will be more than worth it if your kids are out there enjoying it.

There are a lot of choices and a lot of elements that go into these choices when you are looking at houses; but before you worry about location, square feet, and even price, decide how many bedrooms you need, how many bathrooms you need, and what kind of yard you need the house to have.

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