Monday 19 January 2015

Making Your Weekends Feel Like They Last A Week

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When you work hard all week, one of the things that makes you feel good is when your weekends feel like they last for a long time; in spite of the fact that many people have this wish, however, the weekends usually seem like they are the fastest part of the week! If you are looking for a way to "slow time down" during the weekends, follow these tips to find yourself enjoying much "longer" weekends!

One of the reasons why people often feel like their weekends disappear so quickly is because they have no variation in what they do during the weekend; they sit around and relax throughout both days (and all three nights) thinking this will make their weekend feel longer, but it actually ends up making their weekends disappear, because nothing of any significance is happening!

You should always do your best to fulfill the goal of creating at least two significant memories, every weekend - and one of these memories should be at night, while another one should be during the day (either on Saturday or Sunday).

Contrary to what many imagine to be the best approach for prolonging the weekend, you should also use part of the weekend (either Saturday morning or Sunday morning) for your yard work and other "home improvement" activities, as this will go a long way in creating variation and lengthening your days.

And lastly, you need to make sure you are making the most of your Sundays; it can be easy to spend Sunday thinking of it as "the last day" before you have to go back to work, but instead of spending Sunday thinking about work, you should use it for some significant relaxation that will make it something to look forward to each week!

When you start to make significant memories during your weekends, start to vary what you do throughout the weekends, and start to use your Sundays well, you will find that your weekends are getting stretched out so that they feel much longer than they felt before.

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