Thursday 22 January 2015

Gaining Exposure As A Musician

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Early on in your "career" as a musician, you will probably have aspirations of gaining a huge following and making lots of money as you tour around the country - and while it is important for you to have such a vision in order to achieve success, you must also realize that you will probably have to start out a lot smaller than this! After all, for every "big winner" on shows like X Factor and American Idol, there are thousands upon thousands of talented musicians trying to break into the music business - and if your want to reach success in this area yourself, you will need to know how to gain exposure!

The interesting thing about American Idol is the fact that - even with the millions of viewers who have watched and voted for these contestants - very few of these contestants actually go on to significantly successful music careers, and part of the reason for this tendency to "flame out" is the fact that most of these musicians have not actually created a loyal following.

When you build a name as a musician using the old-fashioned, tried and true methods - playing gigs in town, and eventually playing gigs in surrounding towns, and eventually moving out into the surrounding states, and so on - you will not only be able to get exposure, but you will be able to connect with fans on an individual, personal level.

Connecting with fans plays a huge role in attaining the goal of "gaining momentum" as a musician; when you start out by playing shoes wherever they are, whenever the opportunity arises, you will connect with more and more people, and because these people will have seen you in "small, intimate" shows, they are far more likely to become staunchly and fiercely loyal supporters of your music!

It can be a long road to achieve success in the music business, but when you chase this dream by gaining exposure in a grassroots sort of manner, you will take great strides toward moving into the sort of success you dream of achieving!

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