Tuesday 6 January 2015

How To Make The Rooms In Your House "Bigger"

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When you have a house (or even if you have an apartment - in fact, especially if you have an apartment!), there will be times when you wish certain rooms were bigger than they actually are; many people will simply say "oh well" when faced with this desire, realizing that there is nothing they can do to make their rooms bigger (outside of expensive renovations, of course!), but if you have ever had this desire, you should realize that there are a number of things you can do to make the rooms in your home "feel" a whole lot bigger!

If you have a room that is fairly dark, it is likely that this room will also feel fairly small most of the time, and one of the best ways to brighten a room - and to make it feel bigger as a result - is to paint the walls and the ceiling a lighter color; rooms also tend to feel bigger when the ceiling and the wall are not the same color, so in picking colors for your ceiling and wall, make sure both colors are bright - but especially make sure that the color on the ceiling is bright!

Another thing that will make a big difference in how big or small the room feels is the way in which a room is arranged - and even though it might seem as though the opposite would be the case, a room will feel bigger when it has things in it than it would feel if it were empty; make sure the room looks and feels "lived in," and make sure there are items that occupy different parts of the room, rather than simply the perimeter, and you will find that this actually opens up the room a whole lot more.

And while setting up a room in such a way that it feels "lived in" will cause it to feel bigger, a room will feel a whole lot smaller when it is cluttered, as this messiness will tend to give an almost claustrophobic aura to a room; make sure you keep the rooms in your home clean, and this will help the rooms to feel bigger.

Just because you are unable to spend the time or money to make a room physically bigger does not mean that you cannot make a room feel bigger; keep these tips in mind, and watch as the rooms in your home expand!

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