Wednesday 7 January 2015

Exploring The Costs Of Netflix

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Even if you do not have a Netflix account yourself, you probably heard about Netflix raising the prices on their packages, as most of the current customers Netflix has have been in an uproar over these changes - as the basic package went from ten dollars a month for streaming movies and DVDs in the mail to a choice to pay eight dollars apiece for either feature. One thing most customers are unaware of, however, is the fact that Netflix did not simply raise their prices in order to make some extra money, but they actually did so because the licensing fees they have to pay in order to be able to stream videos were going up by a whole bunch, which necessitated Netflix raising the prices they charged.

At the same time, however, understanding why Netflix made the decision they made does not do anything to actually lower the costs, so the first thing you have to decide if you are thinking of leaving Netflix (or if you are considering signing up for Netflix and are not sure if you want to) is whether you want to be able to stream movies online, get movies in the mail, or do both.

So before you make a decision, you should go on Netflix and peruse the selection of "Play Now" movies they offer, as they are not actually able to stream every movie they have; the movies and shows they offer as Play Now options are always changing, but the changes are minimal enough that looking through the movies one time will give you a good idea of the sort of selection you will have to choose from.

And as far as selecting DVDs, it is unlikely that you will be able to watch more than about five or six DVDs in a month, so if you typically watch newer movies, you can actually save money by getting your movies at Red Box. But Netflix will give you a greater selection than you could find anywhere else if you like to watch older movies - or movies that are more difficult to find - and it will certainly be worth the eight dollars a month you will have to spend to have all these DVDs at your fingertips!

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