Sunday 14 December 2014

How To Cook Thanksgiving Or Christmas Dinner Without All The Stress

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
There are a lot of reasons why Thanksgiving and Christmas are fun, but one thing that especially makes these holidays fun for a lot of people is the bevy of food in which they get to indulge; of course, if you are the one who has to cook all the food, it might be a lot less fun for you than it is for others (unless, of course, you are one of those rare people who loves to cook!), but if you know a few specific steps you should take when cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas, you will at least be able to minimize the stress a bit.

For starters, you should come up with a comprehensive menu for the dinner itself, and you should follow this comprehensive menu with a comprehensive grocery list; too many people wait until a couple days before the meal to start their shopping (which leaves them with a much smaller selection at the store!), and too many people also go shopping without a comprehensive list (which leaves them having to return to the store over and over again!), but when you make a comprehensive menu and a comprehensive shopping list, and go to the store early, you will be able to make sure you have everything you need - without having to make lots of extra trips to the store.

While some things will definitely need to be prepared on the day of the meal itself, there are a lot of things that you can prepare in advance as well; in the days leading up to the meal (now that you no longer have to shop on these days!), cook all the things that will be served cold, and prepare in advance as much of the stuff as you can for the cooking you will have to do that day.

And when it comes to Thanksgiving or Christmas day - when you are used to being in the kitchen all day as everyone else has fun - realize that there is nothing wrong with assigning some responsibilities to everyone else! Give each person a few jobs that you expect them to take care of, and everyone will be able to both help with preparing the meal and have fun enjoying the time off for the day!

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