Monday 15 December 2014

How To Get Your Book Published

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
There are lots of people who operate under the false assumption that getting their book published is as simple as writing that last word and then shipping it off to all the major publishing houses (and - of course - hopefully finding that they are all battling to be the one who signs you!), but once you have written that last word, you will find that the publishing process is quite a bit more difficult. If the idea of writing a book is something that has ever appealed to you - regardless of whether your interests lie in fiction, non-fiction, self-help, or any other areas - it will be extremely useful for you to know the steps you must take in order to get your book published.


The first step to getting your book published is for you to write the book, and while this might seem like an obvious statement, many writers who are just starting out begin to approach agents and publishers before they have even written the final word and gone through an immense set of edits - which is a definite no-no!

Learn more from The Complete Idiots Guide To Getting Published.

After you have finished writing the book, you will need to find an agent for your book, which will entail sending letters to all the agents who are open to submissions, and hoping that one of them likes the premise of the book and the writing in the book enough to ask you on as a client.

And nowadays, the most important thing you will do is to "build a platform," which is publishing lingo for having a strong web presence on Twitter, facebook, a blog, and anywhere else you can think of; the earlier you start this step (even before you start writing, in fact!), the better shape you will be in when it comes time to try and get published.

You must walk a long and winding road in order to become a published author, but when you know where to start in order to get where you are going, you will be much more likely to end up at your final destination.

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