Monday 10 November 2014

Painting Freehand

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Even if you have no genuine talent as a painter, painting can be a fun way to pass a pleasant evening outdoors – but even if you know that you do not know how to paint, you will probably enjoy it a lot more if you feel good about what you're painting. Of course, if you decide to paint an abstract piece, painting something good is all about perspective, as you can simply splash paint on the canvas and say that it looks good as long as you feel that it does, but if you are wanting to paint something real, it can be a bit more difficult – so here are a few tips to help you out if you're trying to paint freehand.

Even though there will not be an actual outline on the canvas, picturing an outline will help you to do a good job once you put the paint brush to the canvas itself; before you start painting, get an idea of what you want the canvas to look like when you finish, and try to picture what an outline would look like if it were there, as this will help to guide you.

You should start out small and “cautious” early on in the painting process, as this will help you to minimize your mistakes; the further into your painting you go, the more broadly you can start working, expanding out from the small parts of the outline to the bigger parts.

And being willing to throw caution to the wind is probably something you will eventually have to do; even for the best painters, not everything turns out exactly the way they expect it to, but often this is part of the beauty of the finished product itself.

You will become better and better the more often you paint – but even if you only paint recreationally every once in a while, you can follow these tips to help you paint something that you can be happy with every single time!

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