Wednesday 12 November 2014

Taking Strategic Time Off Work

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If the job you work is nothing more than a "filler job" - filling your time until you find a job doing what you truly want to do - or if you work at a job that is fairly flexible as far as allowing you to take days off, you will probably never get in one of those positions where you feel like you absolutely need to get away, and where you are not all too sure you will actually be able to. On the other hand, if the job at which you work is important to you, or if your job is demanding (or if both of these are the case!), it will be important for you to take a day off every once in a while - and it is also important for you to be able to identify exactly when this is necessary.

If the job at which you work does not allow you to take time off whenever the mood strikes, you will want to be strategic with the days off you take - and the best approach, as far as this goes, is to simply wait until you reach a point where you feel like you have no choice but to take a day off, as if you just might burst if you don't!

It will be tempting for you, when you take this day off, to just lie around doing nothing all day, but the problem with this is that you will soon return to work feeling no different from the way you felt before you left; instead of putting yourself in this position, you will put yourself in a much better position if you plan something that is not only relaxing for the day, but that is also fun and memorable!

And most importantly of all when you are trying to take a strategic day off is that - on the day itself - you force yourself to exist "in the moment"; do not think about work or about any of your other responsibilities, but instead, enjoy what you are doing right then, as this will leave you feeling far more refreshed and fulfilled when you return to work at last.

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