Monday 1 September 2014

Understanding How To Use Pandora

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Pandora is an Internet music station, and if you have been paying attention, you have probably seen it all over the place. In fact, you might have even set up a Pandora of your own before getting confused and leaving it behind. When you understand how to use Pandora, it can be a great source of enjoyment! And the good news is, understanding how Pandora works is not difficult at all.

Pandora aims to give you music that matches your tastes. They try to accomplish this by learning the songs you like, and then by giving you similar songs to listen to. Oftentimes, they will end up giving you songs you already know; just as often, they will give you stuff that is new to you. Depending on whether you like a song on Pandora or not, you can give it a "Thumbs Up" or a "Thumbs Down." Pandora will get better at giving you songs that match your tastes the longer your station is around.

Set up a number of Pandora stations; this is one of the keys to using Pandora well. Most people have different types of music they like to listen to for different moods. Rather than setting up just one station that comprises all your tastes, you should set up a station for each style of music you enjoy. You can move on from this step by creating stations that combine a few of your musical tastes. Finally, you can set up that station you thought of at the beginning - the one the contains every type of music you enjoy.

Another item to keep in mind is the following: Be cautious with the way you use your "Thumbs Up"s and "Thumbs Down"s. Pandora will start looking for similar music for you the moment you give a song a "Thumbs Up." If you are surprised that you enjoy a song - maybe because it is in a genre you do not typically prefer - consider leaving the "Thumbs Up" alone. After all, you do not want that genre to start clogging up your whole Pandora station. Also, keep in mind that once you "Thumbs Down" an artist three times, Pandora will no longer play that artist on that station. Instead of giving a "Thumbs Down" to songs you don't like from an artist you do like, go ahead and just skip the song! You will risk kicking that artist off your station entirely if you give them a "Thumbs Down."

Use these tips to set up Pandora stations that fit your tastes, and you can finally understand what all the rage is about.

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