Wednesday 3 September 2014

Tips For Making Money As A Valet

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
You can either make very good money working as a valet, or you can end up making money that is not so good at all. Of course, the amount of money you make will be dependent on your tips - which is why your money can vary so wildly. But while it might seem like the tips you receive depend on a variety of things that are all outside your control, there are actually numerous things you can do yourself to get the tips you want. When you follow these three simple tips as a valet, the tips you will get in return from your customers will start to be more and more.

Get to know names: No matter where you work as a valet - regardless of whether it is at a country club, a restaurant, or somewhere else - you will start to see the same people again and again. People always appreciate a personal touch when they are using a service that is over and above the norm; if you are able to remember the names of those customers who show up again and again, you will give them this personal touch. What's more, when you remember their names, they will start to remember your face - and this always translates to extra in tips.

Do what is expected of you: Even though it might seem pointless to point this out, there are many valets who do not do what is expected of them. These valets make poor money in tips because they do not hustle and they are sloppy with their work.

Do more than what is expected of you: In addition to doing all the things that are expected of you, you ought to do what you can to go over and above expectations as well. The patrons should be able to see you hustling around to get the cars, they should have clean windshields if you have time, and you should always open and close their doors for them. These regular customers wil notice the extra effort you are making when you do these things, and you will be rewarded accordingly.

It is easy to make good money as a valet attendant; you simply have to follow these tips, and you will be able to watch the tips roll in!

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