Tuesday 3 June 2014

Things You Should Make Sure Your High School Student Is Doing This Summer

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
The ideas of relaxing, having fun with friends, and memories memories are the first things most high school students think of when they think of summer, but one thing that many high school students fail to realize is that the preparation they start doing at this point for their college career will pay huge dividends down the road, and there is no better time to move toward these dreams of college than during the summer when there is nothing else to do! Because of the fact that high school students will rarely realize this on their own, it is important for parents to be aware of this; as a parent, it will be your goal to make sure your child is doing what they should be doing in order to be prepared for college when the time comes at last.

The first thing you should make sure your child is doing during the summer is read; this should be an easy one for you to convince your child to engage in, as reading can be fun and recreational - but reading will also help to keep their mind sharp, which will be important when the next school year rolls around.

As for things that are not quite as easy to convince your child to do, you should make sure your child is studying for the standardized test (SAT or ACT) they plan to take; it is never too early to start taking these tests, and it is certainly never too early to start preparing for them!

And one thing that can be a lot of fun, and that you and your child should take the summer to do, is look at colleges that they think they might want to attend; the more you and your child learn about these colleges now, the easier your decisions will become a couple years from now.

Summer can absolutely still be full of fun and memories, of course - but make sure that summer is also a time for preparation, so that your child can have the college future they dream of one day having.

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