Monday 2 June 2014

Starting A Career As A Writer

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If writing is something you enjoy, and you have started to experiment with some fiction, one thing you may have started to dream about is a time in your life when you can wake up in the morning, write as much as you want, and make a living doing exactly this, but while this dream is certainly achieved each year by a number of people, anyone who has accomplished this dream did not begin by making money off their writing, and instead began by fitting in their writing whenever they could while continuing to make money another way. It takes and immense amount of discipline to write a first novel while working a full-time job, of course, but if you are able to maintain this discipline and figure out a time of day that works for your writing, the rewards down the road will be worth all this effort.

The time of day that most writers have found works best for them is first thing in the morning, as their mind is most clear and their attention is most focused at this time of day; of course, if you need to leave for your regular job at 7 in the morning, it can be difficult to write before this, but if you find that this truly is the best time of day for you, it will be worth getting one or two fewer hours of sleep in order to do this.

Of course, once writing becomes part of your schedule - no matter what time of day you choose - you will probably have to deal with getting a little bit less sleep, and this even includes those who do their writing at night; realize, however, that night writing does not work for most writers, as it can be a lot more difficult to focus fully on your story when you already have a full day's worth of thoughts bouncing around in your brain.

Finally, some people discover that writing in small bursts throughout the day works for them, and although this is not the case for most writers, it is worth trying out, in case this works well for you; in the end, however, it does not matter which of these methods works for you, so much as it matters that you find the one that works, and that you stick with it until you meet your success!

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