Monday 23 February 2015

Looking For Ways To Catch Up With Your Old College Friends

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
The further away you move from college (and from all your old college buddies!), the more wonderful many of these college memories will start to seem, and while it might seem like you are imagining these memories to be more wonderful than they really were, a "reunion-type" outing with all your old college buddies will often be enough to make you realize that the memories really were as great as you remember, and that the memories you and your old buddies made together truly were epic! With the connectivity afforded by facebook and other social networking sites, it is fairly easy these days to set up a reunion-type outing - even if some of your buddies are now strewn across the country.

The tame: Going to someone's house for a barbeque or to watch a game is the easiest way to get a bunch of the old group together; while this will probably not create any new, spectacular memories, it will give everyone a chance to reminisce, and it will keep you from having to do any major planning.

The adventurous: If you want to make new memories while also reminiscing with your old college buddies, consider some sort of all-day outing; ideas for such outings include a day at the beach, a rafting trip, or a trip to a ball game - and once you get everyone together again for a full day, there is no telling what will happen.

The ultimate: Of course, if you want to go all-out - which is certainly advisable if you have people who are coming in from out of town for the "reunion" - you should plan something overnight; this can also be a trip to the beach or along a river, but with camping (or a beach/lake house), or it could even be a central city that has a great nightlife, and that is easy for everyone to get to!

Regardless of the option you end up settling on as the right one for you and your friends, you will be able to catch up with all your old friends and reminisce on great times, and you might even create more great times that you can all reminisce on further down the road!

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