Friday 20 February 2015

How To Change The Way People Perceive You

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
All the time, people are admonished to not worry about what others think of them - sometimes even being told that when you worry about what people think of you, you set yourself up for failure; but at the same time, there is a flip side to this coin, and while it is true that you can set yourself up for failure when you worry too much about what others think of you, it is also true that you can set yourself up for failure by not caring what others think of you! There will be instances all throughout your life wherein you will need to depend on the benevolence or the good graces of others, and if these "others" perceive you as someone they do not want to help, they will be unlikely to extend a hand; this means that being acutely aware of how people perceive you is important, and knowing how to change the way people perceive you is just as important as well!

Although it is a bit cliche, it is also poignantly true that first impressions are important, as the way someone perceives you when they first meet you will often carry over into the way they will continue to perceive you; first impressions are largely about how you carry yourself, so learn how to carry yourself with confidence, but also with an approachable and friendly (nonjudgmental!) demeanor.

Of course, you will also come across people in your life for whom you have already made a first impression - a negative first impression; for such people, pay attention to the things they "perceive" about you that cause them to react to you the way they do, and while these things might sometimes simply be things about your personality that causes you and this person to not quite mesh, you will find many other times that these things are things you are absolutely capable of changing and "fixing."

And of course, it is true that the way others perceive you is not nearly as important as the way you perceive yourself - so continue to be true to yourself, and realize that, in the long run, good things will follow.

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