Monday 15 June 2015

Exploring The Daily Prescription For Writers

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you have thought that you might want to be a writer, you are probably aware of the fact that "writing" is one thing you will have to do in order to achieve this dream, but while this is an obvious step in the process, you may not know what you are supposed to do beyond this; while there are plenty of different things you will need to do in order to go from being an aspiring writer to being an actual writer, the good news is that there are also some specific things you can do each day that will help you to get from "here" to "there"!

Of course, the first thing you should make sure you do every day is write; Beethoven once said of his piano playing, 'If I don't play for one day, I can tell the difference; if I don't play for two days, my critics can tell a difference; if I don't play for three days, my fans can tell a difference' - and this quote highlights just how important it is for you to be committed daily to the progression and cultivation of your craft!

But while you were probably already aware of the fact that it will be important for you to write every day (after all, knowing that is not the hard part - actually doing it is the hard part!), you may not have realized that reading every day is just as important as writing every day; for instance, if someone had a dream of becoming a musician, but they had never listened to any bands besides The Beatles, they would not have any clue what else had been done with music, and it is the same way with writing - you need to know what has been done, and how it has been done, in order to know what you are doing yourself!

And someday (after you finish writing the book you hope to someday write!), you will need to start looking for an agent who will be excited to represent you; in order to prepare for this step, you should spend a little bit of time each day cultivating your online presence - writing on a blog and interacting with other authors and readers - as this will make it far easier for you to find an agent who will take the plunge with you!

It can be long and arduous road to success as a writer, but when you stick to this daily prescription, you will be that much closer to reaching the success you dream of someday reaching!

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