Friday 6 March 2015

Working On A Long-Term Project

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
For many people, one of the most difficult things in school or at work is knowing how to tackle a long-term project; of course, most people approach a long-term project with plans to work on it a little bit at a time each day until the project is complete, but this plan often evaporates, until the deadline for the project is right around the corner and they have not worked on it at all - and it is for this exact reason that understanding how to properly conquer a long-term project is so important!

When faced with a long-term project, the first thing you should do is break the project down into sections, and then separate these sections into even smaller pieces; take a bit of time to estimate exactly how long each of these smaller pieces will likely take to complete, as this will give you a good feel for how much time you will need to spend on the project as a whole (and make sure you are overestimating rather than underestimating, as it is better to have some extra time left over than to not have enough!).

With the project broken down into sections in this way, you should set a deadline for when you should have each section completed; once you have "due dates" set for each section, you will be able to take a closer look at your calendar and decide when you will work on the smaller pieces that will build up to the completion of the section.

And at this point, one problem a lot of people face is that they fail to look at their self-set deadlines as if they are real deadlines; while you are certainly not required to turn in your work at these self-created deadlines, you need to realize that these deadlines are important to you if you hope to complete the project on time - so as you work toward these deadlines, treat them as if they were assigned for the project itself, as this will encourage you to keep up with them and complete the project on time.

The more often you apply this approach, the better you will become at taking care of long-term projects - and there is no better time to get started on this approach than the next time a long-term project comes your way!

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