Monday 23 March 2015

How To Deal With A Delusional Family Member

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Many people get into the habit of lying to themselves - to a point where they eventually no longer realize that they are lying to themselves, and instead start believing that everything they are telling their brain is truth. Delusional thinking such as this can cover all sorts of areas, ranging from drug and alcohol problems to hateful words to abusive actions to downright laziness, and while there are times when it will be "none of your business" to help the person in question, you will also need to know how to help such a person if they are a family member of yours (or someone else with whom you are extremely close).

When approaching such a situation, it will be important for you to realize that you need to be delicate with the process, as the person in question needs to feel like you are their ally, rather than their enemy. You should also recognize that the first step to recovery in such a situation is for the person in question to admit that they have a problem - and if you cannot lead them to eventually make this admission, they will never be able to choose to take the road to recovery.

As you start to broach the topic of the person's "problem," learn how to encourage them to think for their own self; a person who has reached a delusional state has convinced their own self that nothing is wrong, and no one else will be able to convince them otherwise. Because of this, you need to gradually prod them toward an understanding that a problem exists, by leading them to see things and admit things on their own; after all, if they do not reach a realization on their own, they will never decide to make a change on their own.

The road to leading a loved one to make good decisions on their own can be a long one, but once you reach the end of this road and have helped them to turn things around, the long road will have been well worth it.

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