Wednesday 18 March 2015

Creating A Perfect Writing Environment

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
One thing you need to realize, if you have a goal of being a writer, is that it is not always easy; people tend to make the mistake of thinking it would be quite simple to sit at a desk and click away on a keyboard for hours on end, but once you sit down and start doing this yourself, you will realize that it is often difficult to stay focused for extended periods of time, and that distractions will try to come your way and knock you off your path - but in order to achieve success as a writer, immense focus will be one of the biggest keys of all, and one of the best ways to achieve a high level of focus is to create a perfect writing environment.

You should have some sort of routine you can follow before you start writing, something that will notify your mind and your body that you are about to start writing; whether it is a walk around the neighborhood, a shower, a few minutes sitting outside, or a certain song you listen to, this activity will eventually trigger a response in your mind and body that will be conducive to sitting at your desk and focusing for an extended amount of time.

You will also need to learn how to shut out the world once you start writing, so that you are not distracted by all the things that try to come and pull you away from your writing; turn off your phone, turn your clock away so that you are not constantly looking at the time, and - if it is a distraction for you while you write - disable your Internet browser, as getting rid of these distractions will intensify your focus on writing.

And after you wrap up your writing, you should learn to shut off for the day; some people imagine it would be beneficial if they continue thinking about their writing throughout the day, but this can cause you to get burned out on your work fairly quickly. Instead of doing this, you need to learn to shut off your "writing faucet" when you finish writing for the day, planning to not think about your project again until you return to it the next day, as this will keep you fresh every time you sit down to write.

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