Monday 2 February 2015

How To Expand Your Mind Through Entertainment

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
There seems to be a decline in intelligence among young people in America, and many people wonder why this is, but one of the big answers is entertainment. After all, it is rare to find entertainment that makes the consumer do any thinking at all and that is pumped out there widely. This goes for everything from the music you normally find people listening to, to the television shows they sit down in front of, to the things they choose to read. If you do not enjoy putting your brain completely to sleep when you come home from work, and instead want to find entertainment that is also beneficial, here are a few options for you to consider.

When it comes to reading, you should aim to read publications that aim to provide important information in addition to providing enjoyment and pleasure. For books, this can be non-fiction books or books that fall under "literature"; for magazines, it can include such publications as National Geographic or Readers Digest. These selections will keep your mind functioning fully throughout the evening while also allowing you to relax and unwind at the end of a long day.

When it comes to your television selections, keep your eyes peeled for enjoyable shows that provide useful information instead of providing mindless entertainment. If the news does not appeal to you, shows "with useful information" does not mean you have to watch the news every night! It simply means that you should look for shows that operate under the dual aims of providing entertainment and enlightenment, instead of looking for shows that merely entertain.

When it comes to finding options that expand your capacity for thought, finding good music can be one of the more difficult challenges. Of course, classical music (especially baroque music) is great for expanding your mind, but not everyone wants to listen to classical music all the time! But try picking modern music that is intricate and full of depth, and listen to it closely; you can also skip the music altogether and instead listen to NPR!

If you want to unwind in the evenings and still enjoy the benefits that come as a result of expanding your mind, try these avenues until you find the one that is right for you.

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