Thursday 1 January 2015

How To Have Time In Your Day For The Things You Enjoy

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
The fact that there is "not enough time in the day" is a common lament, and rather than figuring out how to maximize the time they have, many people complain about the fact that they wish there was more time! But since there is no more time in the day (not unless you quit sleeping altogether - which is inadvisable!), your best bet is to make an effort to learn how to maximize the time that you do have in your day, fitting in all the things you love to do.

One mistake a lot of people make, when trying to "maximize" their days, is that they realize they can fit in a little more work (making a little more money), but this "little more work" prevents them from having any time to actually enjoy their money! Making sure you have time for the things you enjoy - such as your hobby, your favorite sports team, your spouse, or your children - is one of the key aspects of maximizing your time, as this will not only make you feel more fulfilled in life, but will even regenerate you to a point where you are able to accomplish more during your time at work.

Once you look closely at your days (the days that you have maybe even complained are "too short"), you will often find that there are about one or two wasted hours throughout the day - five minutes here, and ten minutes there, all of which add up. In order to have time for the things you enjoy, you need to get into the habit of "streamlining" your focus throughout the day; when you do this, you will be able to cut out those wasted hours, which will leave you with more free time in the evenings and on weekends than you had before. And with this extra time at your disposal, you need simply to focus on spending this time in a worthwhile manner - spending it with the things that you truly enjoy!

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